Based on the restrictions set below (except for the ‘Exclusive’ checkbox) Antavo filters the list of applicable offers when providing them through the Offers API.Recurring checkbox:
Recurring offers can happen:
weekly - define here the recurring days from Monday to Sunday for your offer and the start and end time of the day
monthly - define here the recurring calendar days for your offer and the start and end time of the day
yearly - define here the recurring month, days, and the start and end time of the day
Redemption start and end date
These settings are only applicable in case the Recurring checkbox is turned off.Number of applications and the customer’s redemption frequency
Set the number of times the offer can be redeemed per customer in the ‘Number of applications' configuration field. Leave empty for no limit.
Example: In case you’d restrict customers to have the offer applied to only 5 of their purchases, set the Number of applications to '5'.Set the number of times the offer can be redeemed per customer within a week, a month or a year under 'Redemptionfrein the ‘Redemption frequency’ configuration fields.
Example: In case you’d let customers apply the offer on their purchases only once a week, set the Redemption frequency to ‘1 per week’.