Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Case 1: Higher tier customers get double points for their purchases

As this rule will modify the behavior of the Incentivized purchase module, please make sure you have the module up and running in your loyalty program. In case you need help, you can find our guide here.


1. Open Workflows management and click the ‘Create new workflow’ button in the sidebar

2. Name the workflow and click ‘Create’

3. Drag and drop an Event trigger to the canvas

The first step of the workflow is defining the Checkout event that will trigger the workflow to begin

  1. Set the Checkout event as the ‘Event type’

  2. Click the ‘Update’ button


4. Add a Customer attribute filter to the canvas and connect it to the action (lower) branch of the Event trigger

In this filter, we’ll define which customers should get an alternate number of points, rather than what is defined in the Incentivized purchase module

  • Select tiers.{unique_id}._id as the second attribute name where {unique_id} is the ID of the tier structure

  • Add the equals with operator

  • Pick the tier you’d like to target in the ‘Value’ field

  • Click the ‘Update’ button


5. Add a Campaign bonus action to the canvas and connect it to the success (green) branch of the Customer attribute filter

  • Set the ‘Points’ to {event.points}
    You don’t need to add a double multiplier here, as the customer has been already rewarded once, according to the settings of the Incentivized purchase module. However, if you want to triple the points that the customer would get for checkout, use a double multiplier ({event.points}*2).

  • Fill the ‘Description’ field
    This message will appear on the Points history page, indicating the reason why the bonus points were added to the customers’ balance.

  • Click the ‘Update’ button


Congrats, your rule is all set! Don’t forget to save your workflow by clicking on the ‘Save’ button before closing the page. When you want to activate your workflow, set the status to ‘Active’ on the top of the canvas.


Case 2: Customers get an instant coupon code when they advance to a higher tier

In this example, you will learn how to set up a 10 EUR surprise-and-delight coupon reward in your loyalty program.


1. Open Workflows management and click the ‘Create new workflow’ button in the sidebar

2. Name the workflow and click ‘Create’

3. Drag and drop an Event trigger to the canvas

The first step of the workflow is defining the Tier up event that will trigger the workflow to begin

  • Set the Tier up event as the ‘Event type’

  • Click the ‘Update’ button


4. Add an Assign coupon action to the canvas and connect it to the action (lower) branch of the Event trigger

In this step, we will set up all the information required to define the $10 coupon codes, which will be assigned to customers

  • Choose the coupon source
    Generate: If you want Antavo to generate the codes, define the coupon pattern in the ‘Pattern’ field that we will follow, based on the following rules: “#” denotes a digit (0-9), “@” denotes an alphabetic character (A-Z), “*” denotes an alphanumeric character all other characters can be added as literals
    For example, if you set the pattern to LEVELUPBONUS###, a coupon code could be LEVELUPBONUS596
    Remote: If you’d like to maintain more control over coupon management, you can set a callback URL endpoint in the ‘URL’ field, which provides us with coupon codes to issue. If you need us to provide your endpoint with the pattern, you can define it in the ‘Pattern’ field as previously described.

  • Set the coupon type to amount

  • Set the value of the coupon to 10

  • Set the expiration time

  • Click the ‘Update’ button


5. Add a Webhook message action to the canvas and connect it to the success (green) branch of the Assign coupon action

As coupons are not sent to customers automatically by Antavo, customers will only learn that they have received a coupon if you notify them.
Antavo can provide you with the necessary information in the form of a webhook message. This way you can send your customers a notification through your newsletter provider and handle coupon redemption restrictions in your webstore environment. In this step, we will set up a webhook message, but make sure you consult with your developer team and check out this article beforehand.


However, in case you have a Trigger Marketing Communication action node in the left sidebar, you don’t need to process a webhook message. Antavo can trigger an event in your newsletter provider, which will send coupon codes to your customers. To use the out-of-box solution, add a Trigger Marketing Communication action instead of the ‘Webhook message’ action this way:

5. Add a Trigger Marketing Communication action to the canvas and connect it to the success (green) branch of the Assign coupon action

  • Select the event you would like to trigger from the dropdown list that appears in the ‘Event’ field

  • Fill the ‘Payload’ with the content you want to include in the event

  • Click the ‘Update’ button


Congrats, your rule is all set! Don’t forget to save your workflow by clicking on the ‘Save’ button before closing the page. If you want to activate your workflow, set the status to ‘Active’ on the top of the canvas.


Case 3: Customers get an instant coupon pass when they advance to a higher tier

In this example, you will learn how to set up a surprise-and-delight coupon reward that customers can easily redeem in-store. Before creating the workflow, please make sure the coupon pass reward is successfully set up first in the Rewards module and then in the Wallet module as well.


1. Open Workflows management and click the ‘Create new workflow’ button in the sidebar

2. Name the workflow and click ‘Create’

3. Drag and drop an Event trigger to the canvas

The first step of the workflow is defining the Tier up event that will trigger the workflow to begin

  1. Set the Tier up event as the ‘Event type’

  2. Click the ‘Update’ button


4. Add a Reward claim action to the canvas and connect it to the success (green) branch of the Event attribute filter

In this step, you need to select the previously added coupon reward that you’d like to surprise your customers with.
