Set the percentage of the purchased product’s value to be awarded as points by default
Eg. if you set the point percentage to 10%, a customer who purchases one product for €100 and another product for €10 will earn 11 points in total.
This is a mandatory field that must contain a non-zero value from 1 to 100.Click the ‘Add currency’ button to define currency percentages
You can set alternative percentages that override the default percentage configured in the previous step if a purchase is made with a specific currency. You can add multiple currency percentages.Define the currency
We recommend using ISO 4217 codes.Set the currency percentage
Eg. if your default point percentage is 10%, but you add USD currency with 20%, then a customer who purchases one product for $100 and another product for $10 will earn 22 points in total.
Specify the rounding method that is used to calculate the points
Round – all decimal point values will be rounded according to general mathematical rounding rules (eg.: 38,7 points will round up to 39 points; 38,3 points will round down to 38 points)
Ceil – all decimal point values will be rounded up (eg.: both 38,3 and 38,7 points will round up to 39 points)
Floor – all decimal point values will be rounded down. (eg.: both 38,3 and 38,7 points will be rounded to 38 points)
Tick the ‘Reward points for the discounted price’ if you would like to calculate the number of rewarded points based on the discounted price instead of the full price
Please note, that you should send the discount information in thechekoutcheckout_item
API event so that Antavo can calculate based on the discounted price.Set the rounding logic
Apply rounding per item – if the customer purchases more than one piece from the same item, the rewarded points for each piece purchased are calculated and rounded separately
Apply rounding per item subtotal – if the customer purchases more than one piece from the same item, the rewarded points are calculated and rounded based on the total value of the pieces