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Antavo’s Reporting Dashboard helps create graphically visualized statistics on the homepage of your Backoffice. The built-in editors assist in setting up scorecards and charts and define the statistical data that you would like to visualize on the Dashboard. The Dashboard is displayed right after logging into the Antavo Backoffice and you can navigate back anytime by clicking the first icon on the top of the main sidebar.
Use categories to group your coherent charts and cards. Category tabs appear on the left side of the Dashboard so that you can easily navigate and switch views.
Add the title of the chart
It will appear on the top of the chart on the Dashboard. Note that the title should not exceed 32 characters.Add a short description
Note that the short description should not exceed 128 characters.Select an existing category or create a new one by typing a category name into the field
Categories are added to the Dashboard as separate tabs or pages where cards and charts are displayed. Note that the category’s name should not exceed 32 characters.
Data set
Define the data that you’d like to display on the chart by selecting a data type from the dropdown menu
Only one type of data can be added to one single chart. Please create another chart to display more data types.Group your data set in order to compare results across different data subsets
eg. the number of shares by each social media network.Select one or more groups to be displayed on the chart
You can restrict the visualization of the data set to certain subsets, eg. display the number of Facebook shares on the chart only.
You can filter by customer events. The data type should be set to action, to include the custom event as an available option in the Allowed groups field.Limit the number of groups to be displayed, if necessary
Allow unknown values
In case you have applied grouping on the chart, you can decide if you’d like to display data with unknown values as a separate group on the chart, eg. the number of customers who don’t have a tier in the loyalty program.Name the unknown group
Note that the unknown group’s name should not exceed 32 characters.
Don’t forget to save your chart by clicking on the ‘Save’ button before closing the page.
A scorecard shows one single number, an important benchmark in your loyalty program that you would like to track, such as the average basket value on each level, the total number of points earned/spent, the total number of loyalty members (by gender, by age), average point earn on a daily or monthly basis.
Add a new scorecard
Click the ‘Create card’ button on the sidebar or on the top right-hand corner of the Dashboard.
Enter the title of the scorecard
It will appear on the top of the scorecard on the Dashboard. Note that the title should not exceed 32 characters.Add a short description
Note that the short description should not exceed 128 characters.Select an existing category or create a new one by typing a category name into the field
Categories are added to the Dashboard as separate tabs or pages where cards and charts are displayed.
Note that the category’s name should not exceed 32 characters.
Data visualization
Select the timeframe of the data displayed
Please note that date pickers cannot be added to cards.Define the width of the card appearing under category tabs
Phrase a context to the calculated value to make it easily understandableunderstandable
Note that this field should not exceed 128 characters.
eg. %s earned points, where %s indicates the calculated numberSelect yes to display the calculated number in an abbreviated representation under the ‘Humanize values’ option
eg. 2681 will be displayed as 2.7K on the cardSelect a background color
Define the data that you’d like to display on the cart by selecting a data type from the dropdown menu
Select a grouping method
If applicable, you can select a specific data subset that should be calculated on the scorecard.Select the group(s) you would like to display
This is where you can restrict the metric calculation to certain values of the data subset.
eg. display the number of Facebook shares on the card onlyChoose the calculation method (average or summary)
When you would like to create a chart or a scorecard that is similar to an item you already have on the Dashboard, you don’t have to start the setup process from scratch, but you can easily make the necessary modifications using the editor.