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Antavo’s Offer management module delivers pre-purchase incentives to customers both online and offline. You can create cart or item discounts in the Backoffice so that Antavo can provide the necessary offer information that your customers can choose right at the checkout. The Offers API endpoint and Display API serve you with the list of applicable offers on a cart, but you need to implement the solution in your checkout process that reduces the actual basket value based on the settings of the offer.
Add the priority of the offer in the Weight field
The priority defines the displayed order of the offers, the lower number means higher priority.Select a coupon pool if you want Antavo to assign coupons to offers based on pools you have already created in the Coupons module
When the coupon pool has been selected the help text displays information on the source, type, and amount settings of the pool and the number of coupon combinations available.
Define the segments and/or lists that can use this offer
In case you add more segments, the offer will be available for customers who are members of any of the segments added.Select the stores where customers can use this offer
Leave empty for no restriction.
Store restriction is only available if you have added your stores in the Stores module.Turn on the ‘Exclusive’ option
Offers can be added as exclusive, which means that they cannot be used together with any other offer in the same checkout.
Match ‘any’ or ‘all’ option defines if all or at least one of the required items should be added to the card.
You can specify a product(s) added to the Product catalog, or enter a list of product IDs.
Match ‘any’ or ‘all’ option defines if all or at least one of the eligible items should be added to the card.
You can specify a product(s) added to the Product catalog, or enter a list of product IDs.