Gamified profiling

Gamified profiling

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Use loyalty incentives to encourage your customers to provide information about themselves and their shopping habits. With Antavo’s Gamified profiling module, you can ask a set of questions that you would like customers to answer and give points in return for completing the survey by assigning a point value for each question set. You can use the dedicated endpoints of the Display API to add the configured questions flow to your membership site.

After collecting all this information, use this data across marketing activities by creating an export or syncing them to your newsletter provider.

The module introduces the factory profiling_answer and profiling_flow events.

  • The profiling_answer event is registered on the customer’s event history when an answer to a configured question is submitted through a request sent to the Display API.

  • The profiling_flow event is automatically written down if no question, that you have added to a profiling survey, is left unanswered by the customer.

The profiling_answer and profiling_flow events are internal, meaning that these events cannot be registered by sending requests via the Events API.

Find the configuration page by clicking the icon in the main sidebar. The page will open to the list of profiling flows that are already set up with the following information:

  • Name of the flow
    A text label, immediately below the unique ID, specifies if the account is Active or Inactive.

  • Points awarded for answering the questions

In case you use the Multi-language module, all text-type factory configuration fields of both flows and questions are translatable and returned by the Display API if requested. Please note, that custom attributes added in the Custom entities module cannot be translated on the platform.

Adding a new question

  • Click the ‘Create’ button on the top right-hand corner of the Questions page or the ‘Create new question’ option in the sidebar

Question Types

  • Select the type of question to add:

    • Like/dislike - upload a product image and ask members to decide whether they like it.

    • Image options - showcase a selection of images to learn more about customers’ preferences

    • Two image options - image options question with a limit of 2 available answers to choose from

    • Three image options - image options question with a limit of 3 available answers to choose from

    • Text input - let customers phrase their own answers to the question

    • Text options - provide a predefined set of options from which the customers can select

    • Datepicker - ask customers to share remarkable dates (birthdays, anniversaries)

    • Numeric slider - add a rated scale to get nuanced data about preferences

    • Color options - ask customers about color preferences

    • Feedback - gather customer reviews by asking them to share their honest opinions

  • Click ‘Next’

Basic information

  • Enter the question
    A mandatory field, that stores the human-readable title of the question. You can enter any string, a text that contains mixed characters.

  • Enter the question description


  • To save the customer’s answer as a customer data field, tick the checkbox and select the field to save the answer to.
    Learn more about the customer fields and how to create them here.

Note that if answers and tags (that you’ll define under ‘Answer settings’ later on) do not match the format of the selected customer field, then customers won’t be able to answer the question. You can find the required format of each field on the Customer fields page under the Customers tab of the Settings menu.

We recommend using the flowing formats:

  • field with string format for text input type of questions

  • field with date format for datepicker questions

  • numeric field for numeric slider or feedback questions

Answer settings

The configuration of answers depends on the type of question you have selected, here are the specific settings of each question type:

  • Like/Dislike

    • Upload answer photo

    • Add the title of the image

    • Add tags
      To create a new tag, type the name of the tag in the field and click Enter.

  • Image options/2-image options/3-image options

    • Multi-choice
      Check the box if the customer can select multiple answers.

    • Upload answer photos

    • Write the answers in the ‘Title’ fields

    • Add tags
      To create a new tag, type the name of the tag in the field and click Enter.

  • Text options

    • Add answers

    • Multi-choice
      Check the box if the customer can select multiple options.

  • Numeric slider

    • Media
      You can upload an image that will appear under the question and the description.

    • Min and Max
      Set the highest and lowest number the customer can select.

    • Step
      Set the difference between selectable options.

    • Append
      Enter the text which should be displayed after the value the customer selects.

  • Color options

    • Add color options and define tags
      Use the ‘Add’ button to offer more than 2 color options.

    • Multi-choice
      Check the box if the customer can select multiple answers.

  • Feedback

    • Media
      You can upload an image that will appear under the question and the description.

    • Min and Max
      Set the highest and lowest number the customer can select.

    • Step
      Set the difference between selectable options.

After you have defined the settings of the question, click the ‘Create’ button.

Creating a new flow

Follow these steps to create a new question flow.

  • Click ‘Create new flow’ in the module sidebar

  • Enter the name of the flow

  • Write a description

  • Add the number of points customers should get for answering all questions in the flow

  • Select customer segments who can answer the questions
    Read more about segments here.

  • Decide if you want the flow to be visible for the selected segments only
    If the checkbox is ticked and the customer is not in the selected segment, the flow may appear as a restricted item on the membership site.

  • Add the start and end dates
    The Display API endpoint returns active flows between the configured start and end dates.

  • Upload an image



  • Available questions
    Use the icon to add questions to the flow.
    You can add the same question in multiple flows, but once the customer answers it in one flow, the question will not appear again in other flows: each question can be answered only once.
    Use the search bar on top to find the questions that you’d like to add to the flow.

  • Selected questions
    You can remove questions from the flow by clicking the icon.

Flow completion

  • Enter the message that appears after all the questions have been answered

  • Pick the color of the message

  • Enter the label of the CTA that appears after the flow has been completed

  • Pick the color of the CTA label

  • Pick the background color of the label

  • Add the URL where the CTA should direct the customer to
    If you leave it blank, the flow would be closed without being directed to another page.

  • Upload the background image of the flow completion page

Please note, that the flow completion settings are not available through the Entities API yet, currently, this serves informative purposes only.

Points economy

If your brand uses Multi-accounts, select the account to which the related events and earn points should be registered.

Don’t forget to click ‘Create’ before leaving the page.

Activating questions and flows

After saved for the first time, the status of the flows and questions is ‘inactive’, which means customers won’t be able to answer them on the membership site, and appears only in the list of flows and questions.

You can activate flows and questions right after creating them using the ‘Set active’ button on the upper right-hand side of the setup page and confirm the activation in the dialog that subsequently appears.

Please remember, that questions are embedded into flows, which means that activated questions can only be answered if the flow that the question that was added to is active.

Managing questions and flows

Edit a flow/question

  • Navigate to the ‘Questions’ or ‘Flows’ tab

  • Click the ‘Edit’ button on the question or flow you want to edit

  • Edit the question or flow

  • Save your changes by clicking ‘Update’

Deactivate a flow/question

Follow these steps in case you chose to remove a question or an entire flow from the membership page:

  • Navigate to the ‘Questions’ or ‘Flows’ tab

  • Click the ‘Edit’ button of the question or flow you want to edit

  • Click the ‘Set inactive’ button on the upper right-hand side of the page

  • Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears

Archive a flow/question

You can delete inactive questions and flow from the platform by archiving them.

  • Navigate to the ‘Questions’ or ‘Flows’ tab.

  • Click the ‘Edit’ button on the inactive question or flow you would like to archive

  • Click the ‘Archive’ button on the upper right-hand side of the page

  • Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears

Archiving is irreversible. Once a flow or a question is archived, it cannot be restored anymore.

Sorting of question flows

You can define the order of the profiling flows on the membership site by selecting the ‘Sorting’ option in the sidebar. The list of the flows returned by the Display API will be ordered based on the sorting set.
Just drag and drop the flow to change the order, and the changes are automatically applied.

Filter questions

Filter your question list on the Backoffice by clicking the ‘Filters’ button at the top of the Questions page, next to the ‘Create’ button. After selecting the question type(s) you’d like to filter to, click ‘Apply’ to see the filtered list. ‘Reset’ filtering to access the entire list again.


Under the Settings tab, you can find a checkbox to enable the display of profiling flows in form of cards on the membership site that is built with Antavo’s iframe frontend solution.

This setting is not compatible with requests sent to the Display API.

Adding new flow attributes

You can add further configurable attributes to the flows via the Custom entities extension by extending the 'Gamified profiling - Flow' factory entity. The newly defined, activated attribute will be added to the flow editor page as a configurable field.

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