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The Segment editor serves better personalization and more accurate targeting of loyalty program offers. Segments of loyalty members are created based on customer data that is available in the loyalty program, such as age, gender, average basket value, or rewards redeemed.

Segments are continually refreshed, which means that on any given day each segment will contain an up-to-date list of customers.

When you navigate to the Segments tab of the Customer Insights menu, first you’ll find the list of segments that have already been added. The status label below the segment's name indicates whether it is active, inactive, or archived.

Segment configuration

Create a new segment

  • Click the ‘Create segment’ button on the Segments page

  • Enter the name of the segment

  • Add customer filter(s):

    • Select the customer attribute
      You can filter customers based on any information that Antavo stores about your customers, let them be factory fields or custom fields created under the Customers menu.

    • Select the operator

    • Define the value

The ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ buttons allow the creation of unlimited segments.

  • Select a user group
    In case you use the User group module and enabled the ‘Segment' entity in the group settings, you need to assign a group to the segment. Unauthorized users will not be able to access the segment and customer segment information in the Backoffice.

  • Click ‘Save’


If a customer is part of the segment based on the applied filters, the segment is added to the Segments section of the customer profile.

Edit segments

  • Navigate to the Segments tab

  • Click the ‘Edit’ button of the segment you’d like to edit

  • Edit your segment by changing its name or the segmentation method

  • Click ‘Save’

Export segments

  • Navigate to the Segments tab

  • Click the ‘Export’ button of the segment you’d like to edit
    You’ll be directed to the customer export configuration interface with the segment filter being populated automatically. Use the editor to customize your export if necessary.

  • Click ‘Create’

Inactivate segments

  • Navigate to the Segments tab

  • Click the ‘Edit’ button of the segment you’d like to inactivate

  • Click the ‘Set inactive’ button

  • Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears

Please note that inactive segments cannot be selected in any loyalty program mechanism configuration.

Archive segments

You have the option to delete inactive segments by archiving them.

  • Navigate to the Segments tab

  • Click the ‘Edit’ button of the segment you’d like to archive

  • Click the ‘Archive’ button

  • Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears

Archiving is irreversible. Once a segment is archived, all customers are removed from the segment and it cannot be restored anymore.

Connecting segments to loyalty mechanisms

You can define segments of members who can enjoy the variety of advantages that the loyalty program offers as seen in the screenshot below. Segments can be connected to the following loyalty modules:


Don’t forget that segments might interplay with the User groups functionality as mentioned above. When you apply segmentation through the ‘Segments’ fields on configuration pages, you can only select the segments that have been assigned to a user group that you are part of.

Importing segments from Emarsys

If you want to use segments configured in Emarsys in one of the loyalty modules listed in the previous section, you can import them by clicking the ‘Import segments’ button in the sidebar of the Customer insights menu or the ‘Import’ button on the Segments page.

Segment sync occurs on a daily basis to keep the lists up-to-date. Please note, that non-loyalty customers cannot be synced to loyalty segments, only customers who are already members of your loyalty program.

Imported segments are displayed under the Segment tab.

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