Release notes

Release notes

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Staging environment release: 2024-06-20

Production environment release date: 2024-07-09

Shopify integration

Antavo’s newly enhanced Shopify app is now available in the Shopify App Store.

The app enables seamless self-service installation and synchronization of new customer registrations in the loyalty program, customer data updates, and transactions from Shopify to Antavo. Antavo processes webhooks sent from Shopify and records them as events in the customer's event history, ensuring accurate and up-to-date data synchronization.

Tiers module update

We have introduced a new option in the Tiers module for determining tier expiration dates based on the exact time of tier advancement. Previously, tier expiration was calculated solely from the date a customer entered the current tier (e.g., tier expiration occurs 1 year after entering the tier).

This new feature considers the exact time of the Tier up event within the day. This ensures that events registered after the tier up on the same day do not prematurely expire, while events registered before the tier up are excluded from the new tier calculations. This enhancement allows for more precise expiration calculations, improving the accuracy of tier management.

API update

The exact match filtering at the /customers Customer API endpoint now enables querying specific customer’s data. This feature can be used with the following attributes: _id, email, and membership_id.

Example usage:


This enhancement allows for more accurate and efficient retrieval of customer information.



Staging environment release: 2024-05-23

Production environment release date: 2024-06-11

API update

API endpoints providing reward-related information now return the ID of coupon pools assigned to rewards.
The coupon_pool attribute has been added to the responses from the following endpoints:

Entities API:

  • GET entities/rewards/reward

  • GET entities/rewards/reward/{reward_id}

Display API:

  • GET customers/{customer_id}/activities/

  • GET customers/{customer_id}/activities/spend

  • GET customers/{customer_id}/activities/rewards

  • GET customers/{customer_id}/activities/rewards/{reward_id}

This feature is useful for tracking which coupon pools are associated with specific rewards.


Garmin integration

With the previous release, Antavo has introduced its Garmin integration. With the new update, customers can disconnect their Garmin account from the loyalty program whenever they want. Whether for privacy concerns or a preference change, this new functionality empowers users with greater control over their data.

Dashboard update

Users can use the chart functionality of the Dashboard to display dynamic data insights on the homepage of the Backoffice. With this release, not only built-in events but also custom events can now be seamlessly added to charts.
This expanded functionality enables users to tailor their Dashboard to their exact needs.

API update

In the February release, the daily_login event was introduced as an API event facilitating the tracking of customer logins daily .
Now, in the latest release, the registration of this event automatically updates the customers.last_login_at customer attribute, providing access to customers' latest login date information as a data field.


Segment status management

In the last release, the display of segment and list status was introduced. Now, status management capabilities have been added, providing users with options to activate, deactivate, and archive segments and lists.

The status can be modified both manually within the software and, for lists, can also be adjusted through POST requests sent to the Entities API.

Furthermore, across the configuration interfaces, only active segments can be selected in segment selectors. This enhancement prevents potential issues where the configured mechanisms might not work as expected due to selecting an inactive or archived segment.

Garmin integration

Antavo is introducing the Garmin integration, allowing fitness enthusiastic members to link their activities seamlessly and transform their workouts into rewards.

Once the Garmin app is connected to Antavo using Garmin app credentials, customers have the option to link their loyalty account to their Garmin account. This allows their sport activities tracked or logged in their Garmin account to be accessed by Antavo.

Through the integration, tracked activities can be used to set up workflows and challenges in Antavo, enabling points and rewards to be automatically awarded to customers.


Coupon code generation enhancements

  • The Exclude Characters and Exclude Phrases settings are available in the Coupon pool configuration interface to prevent confusion and appearance of inappropriate words in generated coupon codes.
    Now these fields are available in both export and import functionalities. This enhancement streamlines the import process, making it more efficient by eliminating the need for additional configuration to exclude phrases or characters from generated coupon codes. Additionally, the new feature promotes transparency during the export process by detailing which phrases and characters were excluded from coupon code generation.

  • Antavo has improved the coupon pool configuration interface to instantly calculate the number of available coupons when filling out the Excluded Characters field. The displayed count now updates in real-time as users add excluded characters, ensuring accuracy throughout the process.

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Offers feature improvement

Antavo has improved the capability of the Offers module, allowing for the creation of recurring offers that extend past midnight for nightly specials. With this enhancement, offers can stretch across days, ensuring uninterrupted benefits for customers.

By marking the new Nightly Recurring checkbox, it is now possible to automate the extension of offers into the following day.

  • The bulk coupon code generation mechanism in the Coupons module has been extended with two new options to provide more flexibility and control to Backoffice users.

    • Character limitation: The introduction of character limitation enables the exclusion of specific letters from coupon code generation. With this feature, potential confusion, such as distinguishing between 'O' and '0' characters, can be prevented.

    • Phrase limitation: The mechanism can be configured to automatically skip certain texts during coupon code generation with phrase limitation. This helps prevent inclusion of inappropriate, offensive or unintentional words or phrases.

  • The status column in the segments grid has been replaced with a label indicating whether a segment is currently active, inactive or archived. This label has also been integrated into the customer list grid.

The introduction of status management capabilities, allowing modification of statuses, is set for the April production release.

  • Enhancements have been made to the workflow archiving process. Now, when a workflow is archived, its name is automatically updated to indicate that it has been archived.
    This allows for the reuse of the original name of the archived workflow.


Customer list feature enhancements

  • The customer_list_customer_add and customer_list_customer_remove events have been logged when the customers are added to or removed from lists. Now the events can be sent through the Events API as well enabling the addition or removal of customers from lists through APIs.
    Events API endpoint to send the POST request to: /events
    customer_list_customer_add event:

    { "customer": "{{customer_id}}", "action": "customer_list_customer_add", "data": { "customer_list_id": "{{customer_list_id}}" } }

    customer_list_customer_remove event:

    { "customer": "{{customer_id}}", "action": "customer_list_customer_remove", "data": { "customer_list_id": "{{customer_list_id}}" } }
  • Event tracking in Antavo has improved, offering direct access to relevant customer lists from list-related event items. When accessing the Events tab under the customer profile, the ‘Customer List ID’ attribute is now replaced by the ‘Customer List’ attribute displaying the list name with a direct link to the list page. This enhancement supports accessibility by simplifying event tracking.

  • In our previous release we introduced the Bulk Customer List API, which facilitates efficient bulk operations for list management.
    Now, the Backoffice's UI has been enhanced: it now offers the capability to monitor bulk operation request queues and access error details. Two new submenus have been added:

    • Bulk Operation Request Queue: This submenu is directly accessible under Customer Insights > Customer Lists. It streamlines the management of bulk customer list operations by providing details and easy access to error details.

    • Errors: If any error occurs during the request processing, the error details are listed under Errors. With this enhancement, troubleshooting is easier with the ability to filter errors using Customer ID.

  • Customer lists now can be managed through the Entities API allowing seamless management and updating processes.

    A dedicated endpoints has been created, enabling CRUD operations via the Entities API.

    Endpoints included:

    • Create: PUT - /entities/core/customer-list

    • Get: GET - /entities/core/customer-list/{entityId}

    • Update: POST - /entities/core/customer-list/{entityId}

API functionality improvements

  • Version 2 of the activities/challenges endpoint of the Display API is being introduced with the next release.
    To optimize performace and resource utilization, the new endpoint has a paginator and supports filtering and ordering through query parameters.

    The previous version of the endpoint is still operational.

    The new Display API endpoint to send the GET request to: v2/customers/{customer_id}/activities/challenges
    Response provided:

    { "status": "success", "metadata": { "pagination": { "total": 25, "next": "/v2/customers/challenge_customer/activities/challenges?offset=20&limit=20", "previous": String } }, "payload": [ { "id": "1124", "status": "active", "title": "Complete 5 purchases!", "description": "Complete 5 purchase to collect 100 bonus points!", "image": { "small": "{image_url}", "medium": "{image_url}", "large": "{image_url}" }, "points": 100, "cta_label": "Browse products", "url": "{cta_url}", "starts_at": "2024-02-01T11:04:00-05:00", "ends_at": "2024-02-29T11:04:00-05:00", "message": "Make 5 purchases!", "category": "{challenge_category}", "max_completions": 1, "tags": [], "completions": 0, "progress": { "overall": 0, "criteria": [ { "action": checkout_accept, "message": "Make 5 purchases!", "threshold": 5, "current": 3, "is_completed": false } ], "last_completed_at": "" } }, ] }
  • For the users of the now deprecated JavaScript SDK, the Daily login event has been used to register customers' first authentication on the membership site per day. To make this event accessible for all Antavo clients, the daily_login event can now be registered by submitting a request through the Events API starting from the next release. This event can be employed to track customers' activity in the loyalty program membership site on a daily basis.

    Events API endpoint to send the POST request to: /events
    daily_login event:

Import preload

Antavo is introducing the import preload feature. By enabling the preload option imported records can now be pre-processed before they are inserted into the database. This makes it possible to speed up the import procedure of large size import files.

The preload functionality can highlight the errors in submitted data records, so all potential issues can be overviewed without halting the data import process due to unforeseen errors.

Feature enhancements

  • The auto_accept attribute of checkout events is used by the Checkout accept module to store the date when the transaction gets confirmed. This is when the pending period ends and points are rewarded as spendable points to customers.
    Through the submission of the Checkout update event, the auto accept date can be removed if the checkout seems suspicious, or if for any reason the transaction should not be automatically confirmed and manual intervention is preferred.
    With the new development, Workflows module can also be employed to remove the auto accept date from the transaction through the Modify event node.

  • The Exhausted tag has been available under the Events and Points history pages of the Backoffice for the users of the Expiring points module, which helps to track if the points earned through specific events have been spent already.
    The tag has been renamed to Points Exhausted, and the use of the tag has been extended to transaction-related events as well.

Tiered campaign module updates

The Tiered campaigns module was previously introduced to provide the mechanism for rewarding campaign participation based on multiple events registered during the campaign period, as a means to motivate customers to repeat certain actions.

  • The module is now being extended with the product combination option, which enables the execution of transactional campaigns, wherein customers are encouraged to purchase a diverse range of products, each meeting specified quantity criteria within the configured campaign period. Running this type of campaign contributes to an increase in the average basket value and upsell/cross-sell opportunities.

  • The new Tiered campaigns tab appears in the customer profile under Customer insights. The page assists in monitoring customers' participation in campaigns and tracking the collected points for each campaign occurrence.

Feature enhancement

The Quizzes module now includes the answer value in Quiz events, allowing access to complete event data. The answer value is available for export and is displayed with a 150-character limit, and can be viewed in full length via mouse hover. As a result, the actual response can now be forwarded to marketing automation or CDP for customizing communication.

Bulk customer list update solution

Antavo has introduced the Bulk Customer List API, enabling to perform efficient bulk operations for list management. This new API facilitates the creation, curation, and synchronization of customer lists with seamless integration into existing Customer Data Platform (CDP) or Marketing automation solutions. It streamlines the process of adding or removing customers in bulk, simplifying list management tasks. The new API endpoints are as follows:

  • Bulk Customer List API endpoint: /v1/bulk-operation/customer-list/add/{customerListId}
    Allows customers to add multiple customers to a specific list in bulk.

  • Bulk Customer List Removal API endpoint: /v1/bulk-operation/customer-list/remove/{customerListId}
    Enables customers to remove multiple customers from a specific list in bulk.

  • Bulk Operation Status API endpoint: /v1/bulk-operation/customer-list/{externalBatchId}/status
    Provides real-time status updates on bulk list management operations.

  • Bulk Operation Error Status API endpoint: /v1/bulk-operation/customer-list/{externalBatchId}/status/error
    Offers error details for bulk list management operations, aiding troubleshooting and error resolution.

Detailed instructions on the use of the newly introduced customer list endpoints are available under the Bulk Operations API article under the Antavo Developer Documentation.

Klippa integration updates

Antavo’s Klippa integration is now compatible with the event confirmation process handled by the Pending events module.

  • Registering draft transactions in Antavo before Klippa converting submitted receipt to digital data does not require the Checkout accept module to be enabled. Draft transaction can now also be created if the Checkout and the Checkout item events are added to the list of events that are affected by the configured pending event mechanism.

  • To make the Klippa settings configuration page consistent, the Create receipt under review transaction setting is removed if the Pending events module is enabled, as this setting registers Checkout accept events which event is not applicable if the pending period is handled by the Pending events module.



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