Google services (Legacy module)

Google services (Legacy module)

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This is a deprecated module and is no longer being developed.

This article shows how to integrate your loyalty program with Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager.

Google Analytics integration

Antavo’s integration with Google Analytics (GA) takes care of adding the GA tracking code to every page of the membership site.

Find the configuration page of the GA integration module by typing ‘google analytics' into the search bar of the Modules menu. Subsequently, the only step you need to take is to enter the Google Analytics code.

You can find this code on the Google Analytics Admin page:

Paste the Analytics ID into the sole field on the Google Analytics settings page on Antavo. Once you have entered the ID, the integration will start sending Analytics data to Google Analytics.

Google Tag Manager integration

The Google Tag manager integration lets you include tags managed in your Google Tag Manager account on the membership site, including various analytics, tracking and JavaScript tags.

Once the integration is enabled, you can set up the Tag Manager Container ID to make the integration work.

You can retrieve your Container IDs on Google Tag Manager. The Container IDs are available on the GTM home page:

Select the required Container ID and paste it into the sole field on the Antavo Google Tag Manager setup screen.

Once you click on the ‘Save’ button, the integration is up and running.

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