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Ometria is a customer data and marketing platform that helps retailers increase customer relationship management revenue by sending personalized marketing messages throughout the customer journey.

Integrating Ometria with Antavo can be beneficial for several reasons. By combining the customer data collected by the loyalty platform with the marketing capabilities of Ometria, businesses can create more personalized and effective marketing campaigns that are tailored to individual customers' preferences and behaviors.

This document shows how to configure the connection between Antavo and Ometria. A typical use case will also be discussed in brief.

Find the configuration page of the Ometria module by typing it into the search bar of the Modules menu.

Configuring the Antavo – Ometria connection

The module configuration requires an API key. This information can be found on Ometria’s platform.

To obtain the API key, follow these steps:

  • Click the Antavo → Settings menu in the upper right corner.

  • Navigate to API keys and copy the string to your clipboard.

  • Click Create API Key.

  • Copy the provided string to your clipboard and paste it into the designated field in Antavo's Backoffice.

  • Click Connect.

  • Finally, choose the list that you wish Antavo to synchronize.

The following short video illustrates these steps.


Field synchronization

The next step is to configure the field synchronization between the two systems.

Click on 'Add new field '.

  • The items in the left column’s dropdown called Loyalty fields display the fields that are found within Antavo.

  • Remote fields represent the equivalent fields in Ometria.

  • Add more field mappings by adding new rows at the bottom.

  • Click ‘Save’.

Creating and syncing custom fields

You can create and add custom remote fields in Antavo using the Ometria integration. Set these up by navigating here through Ometria’s Antavo Settings menu in the upper right corner.

Followed by this, navigate to the Ometria module in Antavo and pick the remote field from the dropdown.

Use case

You can synchronize Antavo events with Ometria through the Workflows editor. This example shows how to push an automated email campaign based on a customer’s reward claim by setting up this rule.

You can access workflow management through the Workflows icon on the left sidebar, or type it in the search field of Modules .

  • Click ‘Create new campaign’ or ‘Create new general workflow’ depending on the type of flow you would like to run. Read more about the concepts of campaigns and workflows here.

  • Fill in the required fields to create the campaign or workflow. See the instructions here and here.

  • Drag and drop the Event trigger node to the empty canvas from the right sidebar.

    • Select Claiming a reward event from the dropdown menu. This way, whenever someone claims a reward, they will be automatically enrolled in Ometria’s email campaign.

    • Click 'Update'.

  • Drag and drop the Trigger Marketing Communication action node to the sheet from the right sidebar.
    This node should appear when the Ometria module is enabled in Antavo’s Backoffice.

    • Double-click on the node. The payload should include fields (Reward name, Reward description) tagged in Ometria’s email templates.

    • If these tags are present in the emails, then automated campaigns can be set up in Ometria.

The following short video illustrates this solution.

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