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When adding new users to the Backoffice, you can define what pages and functions of the Backoffice they can access by adding a role.
Only the ‘Administrator’ role has access to all pages and functions of the Backoffice by default. If you want to limit the access of users from certain teams, you can create new roles. These field permissions let you protect sensitive fields without having to hide the whole object from users.
By navigating to the Roles tab, first you’ll find the list of roles that have been configured with the following information:
Name of the role
Number of assigned users
Creating a new role
Click the ‘Create new role’ button on the upper right-hand side of the page
Name the role
Full access
If you tick the ‘Full access’ box, all permissions will be selected at once. If you want to create a permission mask that restricts only a few of the platform functionality, you can enable all by ticking this checkbox and you only need to deselect the ones to remove. This can speed up the configuration process.Create the permission mask
Tick all the boxes next to the settings that the role should have access to.Click ‘Save’
Once you have saved a new role, it will appear among the roles you can choose from when adding/editing any user.
Editing a role
Except for the ‘Administrator’ role, all roles can be edited by clicking the ‘Edit’ button in the roles list. Use the search bar on the page to find users more easily.
Cloning a role
If you want to create more roles with similar privileges, you have the option to clone them. This mechanism duplicates all settings.
Click the ‘Edit’ button of the role that you would like to duplicate
In the upper right corner, click ‘Clone’
Once it is done, a 'Role is successfully cloned’ success message will be displayed on the Roles page.Click the ‘Edit’ button of the duplicated role that has just been created
Edit the name and permission mask
Click ‘Save’
Deleting a role
Roles cannot be deleted from the Backoffice.
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