Workflow logs

Workflow logs

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After a workflow has been activated, a Log and the Running workflow tabs appear in the sidebar.


List of log items

A new item is added to the log every time a workflow is triggered by an event or a date. The list provides the following information:

  • Type - the result of the log item

    • Success - the workflow has been completed by passing all through the elements and evaluating all the logical operations successfully. Accordingly, a workflow execution is considered a success even if the actions were not registered because filters were applied or the workflow was interrupted with an Interrupt modifier.

    • Error - the workflow ran into an exception that disables a workflow node to be processed or evaluated at any stage of the workflow.

  • Customer - the name of the customer with a link to the customer overview page

  • Timestamp - the date and time of the start of workflow execution

  • Time - duration of the workflow running

Clicking the 'Details' button reveals further information about the workflow execution.

Log entries are retained for 30 days.

Log item page

The Details page of each workflow log item enlists all the nodes that the workflow went through during the process and indicates the output of the logical evaluations executed by these nodes.

Step by step, you can see insights into why certain branches of the workflow were activated or where it stopped running as a result of an evaluation.

In case the workflow could not be executed as a result of an error, the ‘Error’ section of the page highlights the reason why the process failed.

Route highlighter

Clicking on the icon of nodes listed on the Log item page, you can see highlighted path, as the video demonstrates.

Accessing workflow logs from Customer insights

To learn how you can find information on the workflows that affected specific customers, read the Workflow logs and Events paragraphs of the Customer Insights user manual article.

Running workflows

The Running workflows tab list the workflow executions that are paused by a Wait node. The list provides the following information.

  • Customer - the name of the customer with a link to the customer overview page

  • Scheduled at - the date and time when the workflow was triggered

  • Scheduled time - the date and time when the wait time ends and the workflow continues to run

By clicking the ‘Show workflow’ button, you can see the Wait node highlighted where the workflow execution is currently paused.


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