Purchased-related campaigns
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To help you increase average order value, frequency of purchases, and total spend, we have designed workflows to equip you with the ability to fine-tune purchase incentivization in your webstore. You can set up periodic campaigns to give your customers a chance to earn bonus points with qualified purchases. Our filters help you target certain customer segments, so you can personalize your campaigns.
Cases we will cover:
Case 1: Encourage customers to purchase from a specific product category
Imagine, that you are introducing a new product category and you would like to draw customers’ attention to it. Furthermore, you may want to attract new customers who are interested in these products.
To achieve these goals, we will set up a month-long campaign built up of two different workflows:
Double points for purchasing from a product category - Give customers double points when they purchase an item from the newly introduced ‘beauty’ category.
Refer-a-friend bonus campaign – Give customers 100 bonus points when they refer someone who later buys an item in the ‘beauty ‘category.
First workflow: Double points for purchasing a product from the ‘beauty’ category
1. Open Workflows management, click the ‘Create new campaign’ button in the sidebar and configure campaign settings
2. Name the workflow and click ‘Create’
3. Drag and drop an Event trigger to the canvas
The first step of the workflow is to define the Checkout item event that will trigger the workflow to begin
Set the Checkout item event as the ‘Event type’
Click the ‘Update’ button
4. Add an Event attribute filter to the canvas and connect it to the action (lower) branch of the Event trigger
Select product category as the event attribute name
Add the equals with operator
Add beauty as the value
Be sure to define the category in exactly the same way as it’s sent in the checkout item event.Click the ‘Update’ button
5. Add a Campaign bonus action to the canvas and connect it to the success (green) branch of the ‘Event attribute’ filter
Set the ‘Points’ to {event.points}
You don’t need to add a double multiplier here, because the customer has been already rewarded once according to the settings in the Incentivized purchase module. However, if you want to triple the points the customer will get for the checkout, use a double multiplier ({event.points}*2).Fill the ‘Description’ field
This message will appear on the Points history page, indicating the reason why bonus points were added to the customer’s balance.Click the ‘Update’ button
Don’t forget to save the workflow before leaving the page.
Second workflow: Refer-a-friend bonus campaign
1. Navigate to the Campaigns tab and click the + button next to the campaign that we have just set up at the start of the setup process
2. Name the workflow and click ‘Create’
3. Drag and drop an Event trigger to the canvas
The first step of the workflow is defining the Checkout item event that will trigger the workflow to begin
Set the Checkout item event as the ‘Event type’
Click the ‘Update’ button
4. Add an Event attribute filter to the canvas and connect it to the action (lower) branch of the Event trigger
Select product category as the event attribute name
Add the equals with operator
Add beauty as the value
Be sure to define the category in exactly the same way as it’s sent in the checkout item event.Click the ‘Update’ button
5. Add a Referral bonus action to the canvas and connect it to the success (green) branch of the Event attribute filter
Set the ‘Points’ to 100
Fill the ‘Description’ field
This message will appear on the Points history page, explaining the reason why bonus points were added to the customer’s balance.Click the ‘Update’ button
Congrats, your campaign is all set! Don’t forget to save your workflow by clicking on the ‘Save’ button before closing the page. When you’re ready to activate your workflow, set the status to ‘Active’ on the top of the canvas.
Case 2: Give new registrants double points for purchases made
With this workflow, you can incentivize newly registered customers to place their first order within a short period of time. Offer double points on purchases made within 2 weeks from the day they register.
1. Open Workflows management and click the ‘Create new worfklow’ button in the sidebar
2. Name the workflow and click ‘Create’
3. Drag and drop an Event trigger to the canvas
The first step of the workflow is to define the Checkout event that will trigger the workflow to begin
Set the Checkout event as the ‘Event type’
Click the ‘Update’ button
4. Add a Customer attribute filter to the canvas and connect it to the action (lower) branch of the Event trigger
In this filter, we are defining which customers should get alternate number of points than what is defined in the Incentivized purchase module
Select Opt-in at as the customer attribute name
Add the is greater than or equal to operator
Add Date: -2 weeks as the value
Click the ‘Update’ button
5. Add a Campaign bonus action to the canvas and connect it to the success (green) branch of the Customer attribute filter
Set the ‘Points’ to {event.points}
You don’t need to add a double multiplier here, as the customer has already been rewarded once, according to the settings of the Incentivized purchase module. However, if you want to triple the points the customer would get for their checkout, use a double multiplier ({event.points}*2).Fill the ‘Description’ field
This message will appear on the Points history page, indicating the reason why the bonus points were added to the customer’s balance.
Congrats, your rule is all set! Don’t forget to save your workflow by clicking on the ‘Save’ button before closing the page. When you are ready to activate your workflow, set the status to ‘Active’ on the top of the canvas.
Case 3: Give a bonus tier upgrade for making a purchase with a minimum basket value
Encourage your customers to act in time and place their order now by letting them enter the top tier with just a single purchase. To prevent masses of people from entering your highest tier instantly, make sure you define a relatively high minimum basket value. In this example, we will use 500 EUR
1. Open Workflows management, click the ‘Create new campaign’ button in the sidebar and configure campaign settings
2. Name the workflow and click ‘Create’
3. Drag and drop an Event trigger to the canvas
The first step of the workflow is to define the Checkout event that will trigger the workflow to begin
Set the Checkout event as the ‘Event type’
Click the ‘Update’ button
4. Add an Event attribute filter to the canvas and connect it to the action (lower) branch of the Event trigger
Select Total as the event attribute name
Add the is greater than or equal to operator
Add 500 as the value
Click the ‘Update’ button
5. Add a Set tier action to the canvas and connect it to the success (green) branch of the Event attribute filter
Set Premium tier, as this is the tier you will let customers instantly join
Click on the ‘Update’ button
Congrats, your campaign is all set! Don’t forget to save your workflow by clicking on the ‘Save’ button before closing the page. When you are ready to activate your workflow, set the status to ‘Active’ at the top of the canvas.
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