Workflows module tabs

Workflows module tabs

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This article explains the functionalities of each tab that you can find on the left sidebar when navigating to the Workflows menu.

Campaigns and General workflows

  • The Campaign tab lists all the configured campaigns and workflows included
    This is the page that opens automatically when you enter the Workflows menu.

  • The General workflows tab lists all the configured general workflows

The list under both tabs provides the following information:

  • Name

    • Name of the campaigns (applicable to Campaigns only)

    • Name of the workflows with their statuses

  • Event type - trigger of the workflow

  • Priority of the workflow

The list of Campaigns is extended with additional columns:

  • Number of participants - number of customers affected by the workflow

  • Distributed bonus points - number of points added to all customers affected

  • Distributed points percentage - the percentage of the available points that have already been added to customers
    Only applicable to campaign workflows where a bonus point limit is configured in the campaign settings.


The ‘Filters’ button on the top right-hand side of the page opens the Status filter panel that helps you view only the active or the inactive workflows. Tick the checkbox of the workflow status (inactive or active) that you need to list, and click ‘Apply’. You can use the ‘Reset’ button to undo status filtering.

Workflow actions

If you click the hamburger icon of any workflow (let them be general workflows or campaign workflows) you’ll find 5 options:

  • Click ‘Edit' to open the workflow editor

  • Click ‘Settings’ to update workflow settings

These two buttons navigate you to the Workflow or Settings tab of the selected workflow where you can come back anytime to make changes after the workflow has been saved for the first time.

  • Click ‘Log’ to check the history of the triggered workflows executions

  • Click ‘Running workflows’ to see the workflow executions that are currently paused

  • Click ‘Clone’ to duplicate the workflow
    In the popup window select to which campaign should the workflow be added or if you’d like to create it as a general workflow.


Campaign actions

Campaigns have additional action buttons that operate on the campaign level.

  • Start all - activates every workflow in the campaign at once

  • Stop all - inactivates every workflow in the campaign at once

  • Edit campaign - click the icon to check and/or modify campaign settings

  • Add workflow - click this icon to create a new workflow within the campaign


The Errors tab opens up to a list of the errors in chronological order (newest first) that have been registered. You can find the following information in the list:

  • Workflow affected with a hyperlink to the workflow editor

  • Customer affected with a hyperlink to the customer page

  • Trigger of the workflow

  • Timestamp - error registration date

  • The time between the trigger of the workflow and the error registered

Use the search bar on the top to search for specific log items. The ‘Details’ button links to the dedicated log item in the Workflow logs with the details of the error.


You can find a Settings tab on the sidebar of the Workflows module to define general settings that affect all the workflows you create.

Queue batches

Define the number of async queue batches, indicating how many 'On a date' batches will run simultaneously.
Parallel workflows can enhance performance and reduce the time of workflow executions. The maximum number is 10.

Finalizing this setting requires a service automation modification. If you are planning to change this setting, please contact our Service Desk for assistance.

Show option values

Check the Show option values box to display entity identifiers next to the value options within workflow nodes.

Sidebar action buttons

You can find two action buttons on the left sidebar under the tab items.

  • Create new campaign

  • Create new general workflow

In the next article, we give you detailed information about how to create campaigns and workflow.


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