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Alongside the Content consumption and Gamified profiling modules, the Quizzes module provides an option to boost your loyalty program with gamification elements by asking customers to answer questions for loyalty benefits. The Quizzes module was built to provide a flexible tool to present customers with quiz questions and reward those who answer the questions correctly with loyalty points.

All the below-explained settings are available through the Quizzes endpoints of the Display API and answers can be submitted by sending a POST request. Antavo evaluates the request based on the configured game mechanics and registers the Quiz event with a true or false value of the ‘is correct’ event attribute depending on the answer provided in the API request.


Find the configuration page by navigating to the Modules menu and searching for ‘Quizzes' in the module list. The page will open to a list of quizzes that have already been added with the following information:

  • Quiz question

  • Number of possible answers

  • Start date

  • End date

Adding new quizzes

  • Click the ‘Create new quiz’ option in the sidebar of the Quizzes module page

Basic information

  • Enable card
    Display of quiz in form of cards on the membership site that is built with Antavo’s iframe frontend solution.

This setting is not applicable when the list of available quizzes is queried through the Display API.

  • Name the quiz

  • Write a description

  • Set the number of points customers should get if they answer the question correctly

  • Upload an image

  • Label the quiz CTA button


  • Tick the ‘Is repeatable?’ checkbox to let customers try answering the question again until they submit the correct answer
    Once a customer has given the correct answer, the quiz is not repeatable for them even if this checkbox is active.

    • If you enabled repeatability, set the repeat interval
      The repeat interval is the time period until customers can try again after answering incorrectly. The repeat interval should be set in the following format: ({number}minute(s)|hour(s)|day(s).

  • Set the start date and the end date
    Customers can answer the quiz question only in the time interval between the start and end dates.


  • Add the success message
    This text is returned in the “message” parameter of the API response if the customer selected the correct answer.

  • Add the error message
    This text is returned in the “message” parameter of the API response if the customer selected a wrong answer.

Question and answers

  • Enter the question to answer
    You can add only one question to each quiz.

  • Click ‘Add +’ to add possible answers
    Make sure you add at least two possible answers and select the correct answer. Only one answer can be selected as the correct answer.

Points economy

If your brand uses Multi-accounts, select the account to which the Quiz events and potentially earned points will be registered.

Don’t forget to click ‘Save’ before leaving the page. Once a quiz has been saved, it is active right away however, you can deactivate it anytime.

Managing quizzes

Edit a quiz

  • Navigate to the Quizzes tab

  • Click the ‘Edit’ button of the quiz you want to edit

  • Edit the quiz

  • Save your changes by clicking ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page

Deactivate a quiz

  • Navigate to the Quizzes tab

  • Click the ‘Edit’ button of the quiz you want to deactivate

  • Click the ‘Set inactive’ button on the upper right-hand side of the page

  • Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears

Archive a quiz

  • Navigate to the Quizzes tab

  • Click the ‘Edit’ button on the inactive quiz you would like to archive

  • Click the ‘Archive’ button on the upper right-hand side of the page

  • Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears

Archiving is irreversible. Once a quiz is archived, it cannot be restored anymore.

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