Social accounts

Social accounts

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The Social accounts module provides the interface to give the credentials of your social media apps so that Antavo can use them to ask for permissions from customers and send API requests to social media sites so that customer actions can be rewarded in the loyalty program based on the configuration settings.

Find the configuration page by opening the Modules menu and searching for the ‘Social share’ module in the list. The page will open to the interface where you can provide your credentials.


The credentials of your Facebook app are required to provide one type of point-earning option to the customer:

  • Social follow - to have the customer’s Facebook account connected to their loyalty program
    The app will ask for the customer’s permission on behalf of Antavo to access their Facebook profile data and connect the customer’s Facebook account with the member profile. As a result, the customer can earn points, and Facebook profile data can be populated into loyalty customer fields.
    The activities/earn Display API endpoint serves you with the URL that you can provide to your customers to grant permission and have their profiles connect.

Make sure you tick the ‘App reviewed’ checkbox if Meta has reviewed and approved your app. Antavo is not able to use apps that have not been reviewed yet.

Twitter settings

The credentials of your Twitter app are required to provide two types of point-earning options to the customer:

  • Social follow
    The app will ask for the customer’s permission on behalf of Antavo to access and manage the list of accounts that the customer follows and complete the following action through an API call. As a result, the customer can earn points for following your Twitter account.
    The activities/earn Display API endpoint serves you with the URL that you can provide to your customers to grant permission and connect their profiles.

  • Social share
    The app will ask for the customer’s permission on behalf of Antavo to post the links of pages and complete the sharing action through an API call. As a result, the customer can earn points for sharing on their Twitter feed.

Google+ settings deprecated

The Google + connection capability has been deprecated, therefore this configuration option is not applicable.

Instagram settings

The credentials of your Instagram app (created under your Facebook Business account) are required to provide customers an opportunity to enter Instagram contests and win prizes.

  • Instagram contest
    The app will ask your permission to access your Instagram activities on your Instagram page through your Facebook Business Account.
    After the app has been connected, you can start configuring contests, and the Entry logs of the contests will list the contest entries queried from your Instagram page.


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