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Braze is a customer engagement platform that empowers businesses to build meaningful relationships with their customers through segmentation and cross-channel marketing campaigns. Integrating Antavo with Braze allows you to use loyalty program-related data to build personalized campaigns enhancing the customer experience.

Antavo supports customer and event data synchronization between the two platforms - this is a one-way data synchronization only, from Antavo to Braze.
This document explains how to set up the connection and configure synchronization between the two platforms using Antavo’s Braze module. You can also find brief descriptions of configuration uses cases.

Find the configuration page of the Braze integration by searching for ‘Braze’ under the Modules menu.

Connecting Braze in Antavo

When first navigating to the Braze integration configuration page in Antavo, you’ll be prompted to connect the two systems.

The following credentials should be provided:

  • Instance URL
    Insert the Braze REST endpoint of the instance you are provisioned to. You can find the list of endpoint URLs here.

  • API Token (Identifier)
    Enter the identifier of the API key that Antavo should use when sending requests to Braze.
    To find the identifier in Braze, navigate to Settings > API Keys and copy the identifier of the API key that has been generated under the Rest API Keys section.

  • App Identifier not required
    Enter the identifier of your Braze app.
    You can locate the App identifier by navigating to Settings > App Settings in Braze and searching for the 'API key' field.

Once you have entered the credentials, click 'Connect'.

Field mapping configuration

After the connection is established, you’ll be redirected to the Sync Fields page automatically, where you can configure the field synchronization between the two systems.
Each time any of the connected fields are updated in a member’s profile, Antavo sends a request to Braze including the updated value in the request payload.

  • Click the ‘Add new field +' button

  • Use the dropdown field to select the Antavo Loyalty field that you’d like to synchronize to Braze

  • Enter the Remote field that represents the equivalent field in Braze to which the data will be populated
    You can add new fields in Braze under Data Settings > Custom Attributes, but if the field has not been defined in Braze, the new field will automatically be generated.

  • Add more field paringss by adding new rows at the bottom

  • Click ‘Save

To remove a field from the list of synchronized data, click the 'X' button at the end of the row.

Synchronizing loyalty data through workflows

In addition to the field mappings configured under the Sync Fields page of the Braze integration module, you can also synchronize loyalty-driven data occasionally to Braze through Antavo’s Workflows.
This is useful if the data is not stored in customer fields in Antavo or is not added to the list of mapped fields.

You can use the Sync multiple fields action node at any point of your workflow to synchronize attributes of entities that are transported in a specific workflow. Learn more about how to use attribute variables in workflows here.

You can add new fields in Braze under Data Settings > Custom Attributes, but if the field has not been defined yet, it will be generated automatically during synchronization.

This example shows how to configure the synchronization of information related to the customer’s last purchase (number of loyalty points rewarded for the purchase and the number of loyalty points spent to reduce the basket value of the purchase) to predefined Braze customer fields.

  • Navigate to Workflows through the icon on the left sidebar

  • Click ‘Create new general workflow’
    Read more about the concepts of campaigns and workflows here.

  • Fill in the required fields to create the campaign or workflow
    See the instructions here.

  • Drag and drop the Event trigger node to the empty canvas from the right sidebar

    • Select Checkout or Checkout accept (in case you use the Checkout accept module) from the dropdown menu

    • Click 'Update'

  • Drag and drop the Sync multiple fields node and connect it to the Event trigger

    • Click the ‘Add’ button

      • Enter the name of the Braze field (eg. last_purchase_earned_points)

      • Enter the {event.points} value
        This variable will provide the number of points rewarded for the checkout that triggered the current workflow in Antavo.

    • Click the ‘Add’ button

      • Enter the name of the Braze field (eg. number_of_purchases)

      • Enter the {customer.purchase_count} value
        This variable will provide the customer’s total number of purchases registered in Antavo.

  • Click ‘Update’

  • Save your workflow by clicking the blue disk button

  • Click ‘Set active’ in the upper right-hand corner of the page

Synchronizing customer events

You can synchronize Antavo events with Braze through the Sync Braze events action node in Workflows. Feel free to use variables to define the values to be synced.

You can add a new event to be synced with properties in Braze under Data Settings > Custom Attributes, but if the field and/or its properties have not been defined in Braze, all missing items will be generated automatically during synchronization.

Use case - Welcome to the loyalty program!

This use case synchronizes an event when a customer joins the loyalty program so that it can be used as a trigger for a welcome email sent from Braze.

  • Navigate to Workflows through the icon on the left sidebar

  • Click ‘Create new general workflow’
    Read more about the concepts of campaigns and workflows here.

  • Fill in the required fields to create the workflow
    See the instructions here.

  • Drag and drop the Event trigger node to the empty canvas from the right sidebar

    • Select the Opt In event, which is registered when a customer enrolls in the loyalty program

    • Click 'Update'

  • Drag and drop the Sync Braze event node and connect it to the Event trigger

    • This enables the selection of the Braze event, e.g., registration, and the payload can contain additional information provided in the Opt in event:

      • points for enrollment

      • date of enrollment

  • Click ‘Update’

  • Save your workflow by clicking the blue disk button

  • Click ‘Set active’ in the upper right-hand corner of the page

Use case - Reward claim notification

Data can also be sent to Braze when a loyalty reward is claimed to notify customers about the details of reward redemption.

  • Navigate to Workflows through the icon on the left sidebar

  • Click ‘Create new general workflow’
    Read more about the concepts of campaigns and workflows here.

  • Fill in the required fields to create the workflow
    See the instructions here.

  • Drag and drop the Event trigger node to the empty canvas from the right sidebar

    • Select the Reward event, which is registered when a reward is claimed in the loyalty program.

    • Click 'Update'

  • Drag and drop the Sync Braze event node and connect it to the Event trigger

    • This enables the selection of the Bloomreach event, e.g., loyalty_reward_claim, and the payload can contain additional reward information:

      • reward name

      • reward description

      • received coupon code

      • received coupon value

      • received coupon expiration date

  • Click ‘Update’

  • Save your workflow by clicking the blue disk button

  • Click ‘Set active’ in the upper right-hand corner of the page

Sync log

You can browse the synchronization history of each customer under the Sync tab of the customer profile under the Customer Insights menu.

Disconnecting Braze from Antavo

In case you decide to disconnect Braze from Antavo, navigate to the module configuration page, click ‘Disconnect’ in the upper right-hand corner, and confirm your action. As a result, the integration between Braze and Antavo will be discontinued immediately and all configured mechanisms will stop functioning.

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