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Staging environment release: 2022-12-19

Production environment release date: 2023-01-09

Loyalty feature enhancements

  • In product catalog settings, it is now possible to select the product's custom attributes (besides the built-in attributes) as a value that is to be added to a checkout_item event.

  • The management of customers' pending events has been extended with the option to handle pending events on the account-level, making the Multi-account module compatible with pending events.

  • The is_true and is_false operators have been added to the available filter options for boolean attributes in the Workflows, Segments, Exports, Customer mapping, and Incoming webhooks modules.

  • The IP filter module has been introduced to keep control of the IP addresses that can access each API endpoint. Multiple IP ranges can be enabled under the Settings menu.

API changes

  • The expiring points section in the /customer endpoint’s response has been improved so the statistics are updated upon changing point expiration dates.


Staging environment release: 2022-11-24

Production environment release date: 2022-12-08

Loyalty feature enhancements

  • The ‘Suspendedcustomer status has been introduced. Any loyalty member can get suspended in case of fraudulent behavior. These customers:

    • can earn points

    • cannot spend points

    • can be unsuspended at any time.

    The suspend and unsuspend actions can be executed manually from the Backoffice, via API, and also through initiating a workflow with the Trigger event node.

  • The API key and secret is needed to be added in the Backoffice settings when configuring the integration with Shopify.

  • Pending events now have a more accurate timestamp, so that one-day deadlines should not take more than 25 hours to accept the events.

User interface improvement

  • The warning message that is displayed when the user is leaving a configuration page without saving changes, has been added to all pages of the platform.

  • There is a switcher on the module page that shows and hides the inactive modules.


  • A scrollable list now appears when using the workflow's transport autofill function. This way all entity attributes can be even more visible when editing a workflow.

  • New columns were introduced on the campaign listing page that informs users about the number of participants, the points they earned, and the percentage of the points earned compared to the point limit defined in the campaign settings.

API change

  • If the customer account is specified in the API request, the Campaign bonus endpoint is now capable of returning the number of points to be earned based on account-level settings configured in the Multi-accounts module.


Staging environment release: 2022-11-07

Production environment release date: 2022-11-17

Loyalty feature enhancements

  • The Bloomreach integration now allows the configuration of a Hard ID (a unique identifier for every customer).

  • Reserved points are now released automatically before the release event is registered to optimize the update of customers' point balances in terms of reserved points, spendable, and spent points when the point spend is confirmed.

  • A new type of tier expiration logic was introduced in the Tiers module. Using the ‘Anniversary’ option, the tier expiration date occurs once every year, on the date stored in any date type of customer attribute of each customer.

  • The Expiring points module has been extended with a new type of point expiration that encourages customers to stay active in the loyalty program. The new ‘Last action’ option lets customer keep their points unexpired until they perform selected actions within a configurable time period.


  • Available transport variables (that help in identifying what kind of variables are used from their predecessor nodes) now appear in the workflow nodes' fields as a dropdown list.

  • Calculated event variable values are now added to the transport information found under each workflow node.

  • Workflows are not operational without all the nodes being properly connected. To prevent saving a workflow with connection gaps, a newly introduced error message and highlighting of affected nodes help to locate and fix the problematic configuration effectively.

  • The Remove tier action node is now available in the Workflow editor to remove customers from invitation-only tier structures.

  • The Event attributes node has now an Account attribute. The value field contains a Multi-account picker dropdown that allows the loyalty administrator to target events that are connected to the chosen account.

  • A 'V' badge is displayed at the right end of an input field in the Workflow editor if the field configuration includes a volt function.

User interface enhancements

  • When the left-hand menu is collapsed, the name of the module appears by hovering over it with the mouse.

  • A warning message is displayed that unsaved changes will be lost (using the built-in browser notification) when a page is closed in the Backoffice. This feature is introduced with this release on certain editing pages and will be expanded to the whole platform over time.

API changes

  • The partial_refund event and subsequent actions have been refined so that a successfully submitted event now reduces the customer score, adjusted the amount and transaction history and restores any burned points. Error codes and status requirements have been updated.

  • Redeeming an expired coupon now throws the following error: 'The coupon has been expired since (expiration_date) (160420)

Shopify enhancements

  • The refund option is now available as a checkbox when setting up a new Shopify store.

  • Product composit ID is a new field that concatenates the product ID (i.e., the ID of a certain shoe brand) and the variant ID (the size or color of these shoes) with a hyphen. Enabling the usage of this ID is highly recommended to fill in when enabling refunds.


Staging environment release: 2022-10-14

Production environment release date: 2022-10-27

Loyalty feature enhancements

  • An extended setup interface has been introduced to create a new campaign in the Workflows module. In addition to the extant configuration fields (name, description, start and end date), the new interface provides facilities to configure a point limitation mechanism and membership site settings.

  • Detailed workflow error logs can be now reached by navigating to the ‘Errors’ tab of the Workflows module.

  • It is now possible to add image-type custom entity attributes. Using this allows you to upload images (png, jpeg, jpg type files) to any entity.

  • The settings for Google Pay configuration settings are now accessible from the Wallet module in the Backoffice.

  • In addition to customer fields, coupon-related variables are available to be displayed as the barcode on passes created in the Wallet module.

  • There is a new checkbox to make the Multi-account selector mandatory throughout the whole Backoffice (except for Point Add & Claim Reward actions on the Customer Insights page).

API change

  • The user groups (Group IDs) associated with customers are now returned by the Customer API.

User interface improvement

  • The Incoming webhooks module has now a Logs tab where all log entries are available.

  • The ordering of cards on the Import and Export data model selection pages is now alphabetical.

Shopify enhancements

  • Antavo can now handle multiple shop setups under a single brand in the Backoffice.

  • Now the customer’s email address can also be selected as their primary identifier (and not only their Shopify ID).


Staging environment release: 2022-09-13

Production environment release date: 2022-09-29

User interface improvements

  • The ‘Name’ configuration field of the pass templates editor within the Wallet module has been moved from the Type Selection page to the Template page.

  • The history of the configuration updates of any entity is now available in the footer section of editor pages.

  • The Workflow log page of the customer profile has been extended with a new column that displays the event that has triggered each of the initiated workflows.

  • If the Incoming Webhooks module is enabled, its configuration interface is now accessible from the left sidebar of the Modules menu.

  • On brands that use the Expiring points module, the customer list page of the Customer Overview menu has been extended with a new column that displays the number of expired points.

  • The Workflow nodes can be copied and pasted within the Workflow editor, along with their entities and entered values. This saves significant time and reduces the possibility of errors with workflow configuration.

  • ‘On a date’ campaigns have new, more straightforward wording on their configuration interface.

  • When assigning a Coupon pool to Rewards and Offers, the source, type, and amount settings of the selected Coupon pool are displayed under the dropdown field. In case the coupons in the pool are generated based on a pattern, the help text includes the number of unique coupon combinations as well.

  • The ‘Translate’ and ‘Price per currency buttons’ have received a fresh look, both are displayed with an apparent blue color across the platform.

Loyalty features

  • A default account can now be selected on brands that use Multi-accounts.

  • The Backoffice functionality to remove customers from the loyalty program manually has been restricted to authorized users. Authorization can be granted through the Roles menu by adding the Opt-out option to the permission mask of any role.

  • The Imports module has been extended to support custom fields. Custom fields are now importable, displayed under the Fields section of the import setup page, and added to the downloadable import template files.

  • The Workflow module now provides the ability to allocate pending campaign bonus points for purchases on brands that handle pending periods.

API changes

  • Any event submitted with a unique transaction ID creates a draft transaction. Submitting a checkout event with the same transaction ID will result in the transaction starting the normal lifecycle.

  • Repeated opt-in events submitted for the same customer now result in a 400 HTTP error and 400 - Customer already opted-in.- 112101

  • Individual events associated with a transaction ID can now be viewed on the /customers/{customer_id}/transactions endpoint of the Display API using the fields=events query

  • The configured settings of prize wheels are now provided in the response given by the /customers/{customer_id}/prize-wheels/ endpoint of the Display API.

  • A customer-independent tier structure is now accessible via the Entities API.


Loyalty feature enhancements

  • Newly created customers can now be automatically enrolled in any of the spend-based tier structures created in the Tiers module and accounts configured in the Multi-accounts module.

  • The ‘Account’ field is available on the Challenge configuration page for Multi-account users so that the challenge completion can be registered on the selected customer account.

  • When creating exports, all user properties are now applicable as filters and as data fields added to export files.

  • Contest participants can now be enrolled multiple times in one game improving their chances to win. The maximum number of entries is 20.

  • Entity IDs ​​(such as the Challenge ID) can now be displayed in the Workflow editor by marking a checkbox on the Workflow management’s general Settings page.

  • Whenever an update is made to a coupon-based reward in your loyalty program (i.e., expiry date, coupon type or value), there is an option to choose which specific subset of coupons you would like to make the update.

User interface improvements

  • The main sidebar of the Backoffice has been extended with a pin option. By clicking the ⇆ button, users can now choose to have it open with the name of the items, or closed with icons displayed only. The sidebar stays in the selected position when navigating across the Backoffice interfaces.

  • The Backoffice remembers the status of the Workflow toolbar as well, which is alterable using the 📌 button.

  • A floating footer bar has been added to the export configuration page – now the ‘Save’ and ‘Cancel’ buttons are always available on the screen throughout the setup process.

  • A search and a sort option are now available on the export listing page, which helps to find any of the previously created export files quickly.

API changes

  • Antavo-stored customer external IDs can now be directly used to access the corresponding customer via Antavo APIs.

  • The maximum value of point burn for any specified currency for a given customer is now available via the Customer API.

  • Correct HTML codes are now returned by Antavo for the corresponding errors



User interface improvements

  • The look and feel of the Backoffice have been updated. The new version is introduced to simplify navigation and provide a fresh visual experience. Everything you can currently do in the Backoffice will still be available with a new and improved look of the interfaces.

  • The Action buttons in the right-hand corner of the Backoffice interfaces have received a new look. A ‘More’ dropdown button is displayed in case there are more than 3 buttons available on the page, to enlist all further options.

Loyalty features

  • The expiration dates for point-based events can now be changed on the customer’s profile’s Points History section. Here, the Modify Point Expiration button allows you to select multiple point-based events on and define their new expiration date.  

  • Contest participation can now be given for free with workflows, without reducing any loyalty points from the customer.


  • You can now determine the limit of bonus points that can be distributed during a workflow’s execution. This point cap can be defined on the campaign level (limiting how many points can be given away during the campaign) and on the individual customer’s level (limiting how many points can one person earn).

  • Workflow logs now provide information about possible reasons for unsuccessful executions such as exceptions and errors.

  • Each workflow node now shows the values that are in transport from their predecessor nodes. This helps in identifying what kind of variables might be used in the node that you are currently working on.

  • You can now create workflows to use randomized values and specify their range and precision in the workflow editor. The generated random number can also be used in mathematical expressions, such as multiplying the added points by this number.  

Exports and Imports

  • When creating a new export, the list of relevant fields is now available at the bottom of the export editor interface. The ‘Fields’ list gives you detailed information such as the ID and name of the available fields, their types, and possible values.

  • The field items added to export are now labeled with their names in the ‘Field settings’ section of the editor interface. To manage the fields more transparently, the additional settings window of each of the fields added is now collapsable.

  • A template CSV is now available to download through the ‘Download Template’ button when creating a new import. Based on the type of import, all importable fields will be populated in the template with additional information (such as data type and possible values) including custom fields as well.

API changes

  • There is a new field returned by the Customer API endpoint that provides detailed information on the expiration dates of all the spendable points of a specific customer. The expiration report is not provided by default, you need to request it by adding {{fields=expiring_points.history}} to your API query.

Security measures

  • Security logs provide all login and password reset-related information that occurs in the specific brand. You can now access them through the general loyalty platform settings.

  • Brand owners or those who have elevated Backoffice administrator rights can now enforce multi-factor authentication for platform users as a login method for increased security.

  • It is now possible for administrators to unban other Backoffice members. The locked-out user will then be forced to reset their password and log in.


Tiered Campaigns

  • The first iteration of the Tiered Campaigns module has been introduced. It encourages customers to perform repeated actions by rewarding points based on the level of the milestone achieved during a predefined amount of time.

  • The Tiered campaign module is able to handle a grace period with pending points after the campaign ends, therefore you can make the necessary updates in the data before allocating active spendable points to the participants.

  • The campaign editor provides the option to define the highest tier without an upper limit.

  • Transaction-based tiered campaigns can be restricted to specific product purchases.

Loyalty logic features

  • The item-level point-earning capability of the Product Catalog module is extended to support the pending period handling mechanism.


  • Formerly imported files are now downloaded with the same format and name as they were originally uploaded.

Integration enhancements

  • When disconnecting Salesforce Marketing Cloud from Antavo, now you are provided with the option to disconnect only with keeping existing data in SFMC, or to disconnect and delete all data originating from Antavo as well.

Security measures

  • It is now possible to enforce SSO login for individual users, forcing them to connect only through the configured SSO login interface and preventing access from the Antavo Backoffice.


Loyalty logic features

  • The Offers module is now extended with the option to create periodically recurring offers on the platform. 

  • User group visibility restrictions now apply to segment filtering. This means that only those customers will be included in segments that are visible based on the user group of the segment’s creator. Also, the customer overview segments panel shows only segments based on this visibility. 

Enhancements for workflows

  • Creating and modifying Custom entities using the Workflow editor is introduced, allowing to work with customized profile data more effectively. After the workflow had run successfully, the newly created/modified entity will appear in the appropriate custom collection. 

  • The solution of pre-filtering has been developed to speed up the execution of workflows that have 'On a Date' triggers. In the case of a large number of customers, the workflow can be significantly quicker by applying a pre-filter to those who you wish to exclude from the rule created.

  • Online treasure hunts now work with a new type of Toast message. This requires the use of a workflow that includes treasure finding as the Trigger event node, and the toast message as the Action node.

User Interface and platform changes

  • A help button is available on the top right corner of each page, which leads to the dedicated user manual of the configuration interface.

  • Actions such as checkouts, coupon events, point adding, activities etc. are ordered alphabetically on the Challenge configuration page to make it easier to find them.

  • Now it is easier to get a quick overview of which attributes are required to be filled when working with custom events by having a 'Required: Yes/No' column.

  • The Loyalty Card editor is available in the Points Economy module. The description that is added here appears on the card for your customer. Earn and Burn cards can now be added to the frontend.

  • Information on the number of expired points last month, last 12 months, last year and expiring points this month, next month, next year of specific customers are now available through customer exports and as customer filters to use in segmentation, workflows, and exports.

  • 'is empty' and 'is not empty' operators are introduced for every attribute in those modules that use filtering, for example, workflows, segment creation, challenges, export etc.


  • Challenges can now be imported. This enhancement is convenient when migrating content between environments or creating a large number of challenges.

  • From now on, importing rewards will be executed without including the reward’s image to facilitate imports more effectively. Please note that images still need to be added when editing a reward on the GUI afterward to be able to display the cards properly.

API changes

  • There is a new option to show the checkout status (pending, accepted, rejected) and for the line items to show the pending/confirmed points for API calls to the point history for systems with the checkout_accept module enabled.

  • There is a new reward category endpoint that lists all rewards which are grouped in the same category.

  • The /activites and /activities/earn DisplayAPI endpoints now contain an incentivized action card.

  • Multiple claims of the same reward via the DisplayAPI can now be individually claimed.



  • Workflow logs can be accessed from the Customer events page. Here, you can view the details for workflows that occurred due to certain events.

  • Workflows have now a Settings page where parallel workflow execution can be set. You can increase the batch number up to 10 to make 'On a date' workflow batches run quicker.

  • The Entity Lookup workflow action node has been modified: and the option for looking up custom entities (besides factory entities) is now introduced, providing the ability to select from the list of available attributes to be used for lookup (instead of giving the default ID).

User groups

  • Introducing the Default User Group feature: customers who do not have a user group associated with their profile will automatically be assigned the group title specified here. This solves the problem of those who were present in the system before the introduction of user groups being left without a grouping category.


  • Differentiated point burning rates are available in Multi-accounts. You can determine specific segments on which to apply these exceptions. In addition, you can specify how high this exception rule should be on overlapping segments ranked by setting up the priority. 

  • Pending points for an account can be set to auto_accept or auto_reject based upon the Checkout accept module.


  • The discounted price of the individual items within an order is now visible in Transaction details

Integration enhancements

  • There is a new Tags field introduced on the customer's overview page. This way, tags that are added to their Shopify profile are also updated in Antavo. These tags can be used for creating segments automatically.

  • Our Ometria integration now supports custom field synchronization from Ometria to Antavo.


  • The field descriptions have undergone significant user experience improvements on the Exports page.

  • Exports can be run based on filters signifying relative dates (e.g., today, yesterday, last year, this quarter, next month, etc.). Choose in date as the operator to find the related date filters.

  • From now on, all inactive challenges can be exported in addition to the active ones.

  • From now in, Webhook logs can also be exported.

User interface enhancements

  • Each reward card on the Create a new reward page has now a new, unique logo.

  • When setting up a reward or challenge to multiple segments, only the or operator is valid in the Segments field. This avoids the situation of only counting the challenge for customers who are members of all mentioned segments (which would happen if the and operator was valid). 

  • A new field is added to Pending events management that enables managing the list of actions that should go pending. 

  • The is empty and is not empty operators have been added to filters in all impacted modules across the system.


API enhancements

  • A new extension is added to the Customer Display API endpoint which can provide the burn rates by currency. This refers to the 'Burn rules' of Antavo’s Multi-Accounts module.

  • A new API endpoint is available in which the username and password combination can be validated for Staff Members at offline venues, such as stores.

  • Additional volt functionalities and filters have been added (Advanced templating — Antavo LMP API Documentation documentation ). These extra functions return extra information regarding field data and can be used to enhance/simplify workflows.

  • Shopify integration’s checkout_update event now reflects the current state of the transactions.

User groups

  • More than one user group under Backoffice’s 'Settings' can be enabled. This allows users to participate in different org hierarchical structures. This could mean different regions, for example, being part of both Global and Global/Hungary, but also being part of Administrators or Customer Service groups at the same time. 

Imports, Exports

  • The Export and Import functionalities have been enhanced with the following:

    • Multi-account balances are available as filters for exporting.

    • Giving a name to exports is now a mandatory field. This enables the easy identification of exports.

    • It is now possible to import JSON files.

    • A Field list is displayed when initiating an Import.

    • Campaigns and general workflows can be exported and imported to make migration easier between environments.

User interface enhancements

  • The page that lists Reward claims now displays the following information: Customer, Last claimed at, Claims, Spent points, and Coupon codes.

  • For Backoffice users managing numerous workflows, there is a filtering option for active or inactive statuses. This is enabled for both campaigns and general workflows.

  • There have been changes in the display of time zones:

    • The Backoffice user's current timezone is displayed at the bottom of the page.

    • When providing a date for a functionality, the brand’s timezone will be marked at the end of the date picker field.


Loyalty feature updates

  • The Country field is added as a grouping variable for creating dashboard charts.

  • Coupon code sharing can also be done by assigning email addresses, alongside customer ID-based transfers. 

  • The Challenges module can now track and accumulate the output of the activity. For example, the number of completed steps is now calculated during the challenge, instead of only counting the number of recorded walking exercises.

  • Negative points now affect point-based tiers and their tier status points.

  • Multiple tier expiration dates per year can be added for expiration_type = 'calendar' tiers.

  • Duplication of coupon codes is now prevented. The collision is avoided by showing the number of possible code combinations, as well as a suggestion box that advises a unique code structure.

  • There are new filtering options for looking up certain events via API calls:

    • start_date and end_date in the Events History and Transactions endpoints 

    • transaction_id (after applying action as a prior filter)

  • For clients who use the legacy Levels module, their customers can have their level displayed as the ID on their Wallet membership pass.


  • In a scenario when a Shopify purchase is made using a coupon code, and the customer asks for shipping, checkout.discount and checkout.shipping will now appear in Antavo's checkout event.

Security measures

  • A new option is available in the Backoffice Settings → Security Settings where administrators can determine the session length of the brand.

User interface enhancements

  • The Workflow editor’s Interrupt node is now able to return custom error codes.


Loyalty feature updates

  • Reward sharing is now available: after the loyalty admin has created Transferable rewards in the Backoffice, the transfer can happen either via the service desk analyst’s manual transfer, or the end customer’s action (they claim and share the reward, either to an existing customer or to a ghost customer).

  • You can now create and redeem coupons for individual products. This works by attaching items from the product catalog to the coupon pool in the Backoffice.

  • All online treasure hunt users now receive visual feedback on the success of their search.


  • Multiaccounts, incentivized purchases, and Checkout accept now record the pending points from checkout/checkout_items in the specified account.

  • When creating a point-based Tier (as in, the tier membership of the customer will be determined based on the number of points collected in the given period), you can select a specific multi-account, and the corresponding actions are used in calculating the tier status.


  • The workflow editor can be used to filter using custom list type attributes.


  • Counting for Incomplete Challenges can be reset back to zero using the challenge_reset action on the event API or using the Workflow editor.

  • There is a new attribute 'Translatable'  available in challenges which allows custom fields to be translated for multilanguage sites. Similarly, the 'Datetime type' custom field can also be set.

Integration enhancements

  • Antavo now supports incoming webhooks which enable automatic interactions with external systems (such as newsletter providers or customer data platforms) to Antavo. There are pre-filled blueprints available for webhooks coming through mParticle.

User interface enhancements

  • Dedicated configurable landing pages are now available as responses to an expired Google Pay / Apple Wallet pass URL.

  • Events and transactions can be filtered for specific accounts by providing the attribute account=account_id as part of the request query. This way, loyalty administrators can display events/transactions that are only associated with a specific point account.


  • SFTP users can now create and save multiple exports a day with unique automatically generated file names.

  • Exporting challenge completions is now made easier as there is no need to manually enter the challenge ID. A dropdown menu will list the names of active challenges available on the given brand.


API updates

  • This release has three updated APIs and a new API endpoint.

    • There are two ways of querying transaction details through API:

      • A detailed event list of a specific transaction can be queried by adding the query 'events' to the API request. This optional query provides a detailed event breakdown for a given transaction ID and is available for both single and bulk transactions.

      • The new Transaction details API endpoint is introduced: besides adding the extra field, this is another way to query the events of a specific transaction.

    • There are now URLs provided in the Earn and Activity endpoints on the Social Follow and Social Share modules. These URLs can be used on CTA buttons on loyalty sites, making it easy to connect to various social networks.

    • Wallet links (Google, Apple) are now provided within the claimed rewards endpoint. This works by adding the optional query 'passes' which returns an array of wallet links to the given reward.

Wallet passes

  • Wallet passes can now be included in coupon pools and thus used in multiple types of reward types, including bundled reward claims.

Imports, Exports

  • The following table shows the current import/export status for entities within the User Group functionality.


Loyalty feature updates

  • Coupons can now be invalidated individually, without canceling the reward. This can be triggered by using the 'Invalidate' button on the reward's Coupon page, via API, or also through the Workflow editor. This alters the prior behavior of unassigning the coupon.

  • From now on, custom entities can be linked to an individual customer. The instances can be created, read, updated and deleted easily through the platform and API. 

  • The Update to Google pass node has been added to the Workflow editor to enable the no-code engine to push changes to Google Passes.

  • Setting up scheduled campaigns is available: the new Schedule button in the Workflow editor runs the job based on past triggering events under the Historical events node.

  • Additional product-specific fields (such as brand and category) are added to the checkout_item events to filter out specific items through workflows.

  • From now on, Wallet passes and Google passes can be downloaded using token-only authentication and API key authentication.

Integration enhancements

  • Customer data synchronization and event triggering are possible through the newly introduced mParticle CDP integration. 

  • Return and refund options are added to the Shopify integration’s features.

  • Webhook requests are to be processed in parallel in multiple execution threads. Note that this needs to be requested.

User interface enhancements

  • The Workflow creation wizard has a floating 'Next' button so there is no need to scroll down to the bottom of the page to progress.


Loyalty feature updates

  • Transactions are now automatically updated with the latest information, e.g., the number of points earned, burnt, or campaign bonuses received. Bulk transaction queries are also supported.

  • Generated download URLs for wallet passes are now microsite-independent. This way, the pass's URL will progress without any potential errors.

Security measures

  • Customers handling multiple accounts can assign these accounts to user groups. This ensures that the user only sees the accounts that are relevant to them. 

  • Content Approval records are now exportable for auditing. Exportable attributes include the timestamp, action user, action, member ID, before and after values for manual tier changes; the number of balance points changed and the latest points balance for manual point adjustments. 

  • Brand owners can remove access from platform users for various roles, the shopper’s name, email and phone number, using the access level. These restricted fields cannot be pulled through the export module either.

Integration enhancements

  • A deferred synchronous reply model is now available with the Klaviyo integration.

User interface enhancements

  • The Backoffice platform is now available in Chinese.


API updates

  • New API endpoint for the Gamified Profiling workflow

This new GET endpoint includes the customers’ profiling question flows and the responses. The questions and answers can also appear on the Microsite.


  • User roles can now be cloned, duplicating all settings.

Shopify Integration

  • Shopify can now update the product catalog. Existing products can be updated and new entries can be inserted. 

User interface enhancements

  • Standard field types are now properly enforced and cannot be changed in the user interface.

  • Disable reCaptcha for login: Google-based reCaptcha validation for logins is now an environmental setting for private clouds. This option accommodates the configuration of various levels of security checks and can only be set by a developer.


New features: loyalty logic

  • Dynamic Bundle is a new way to claim rewards: this can be done through API, containing multiple coupons that would all be claimed at the same time.

  • Admin redeeming can now be disabled for expired coupons - the Redeem button will be hidden from the customer’s coupon list page. 

  • In case there is a change applied to a coupon (for example, expiration date change by a business user from the back office, or any property change made by 'Modify coupon' workflow), an event is logged that can be used for checking the validity of the date extension. This event will contain:

    • coupon code

    • original coupon properties which have been modified

    • new coupon properties which have been modified

  • A new option is available to compensate for lost bids: for those who had lost, a coupon can be assigned with a workflow based on an event created after the bid. 

  • If you would like to reward the customer with the same coupon multiple times and have them use the same coupon code, check the Aggregated coupons checkbox. This way, your customer claiming a reward multiple times will not create multiple coupons but increase the number of times it can be redeemed.

  • Fraction values are possible when granting rewards (for example, a $0.99 discount).

  • The number of available nodes is expanded on the workflow's A/B testing node. They are now dynamically adjustable (maximum: 20). 

Permission handling updates: User groups

User group settings are accessible from the Settings page, so there is no need to go to the Module site. 

  • This settings form is now extended with Fieldset, to define the title of the user group restriction menu.

  • The supported Entities are extended with Segments and Passes.

  • Coupons are also added to the scope of user groups:

    • Reward claims and coupons now inherit their parent rewards group_id – if they have one, and if the User groups extension is enabled.

    • Coupons inherit the group ID from the coupon pool – if they have pool property, instead of parent.

    • Coupons with different group IDs are filtered out from coupon statistics for unauthorized users.

    • Coupons pages, 'Available rewards', 'Claimed rewards' and 'Claim a reward' button list on the customer insights page is filtered based on group ID.

Platform additions

  • There is a control option introduced in the back office which allows or prevents business users to access inactive customer records. You can access this by going to Settings →  Roles →  PII Admin → Customer →  Handle inactive customers. 

  • Also, you can export customers, rewards, stores, etc. with all fields, instead of checking each field one by one. 

  • When opening up a customer’s page and navigating to Transactions, there is a Details button offering the list of items purchased with that transaction and other details. 

  • For every new brand, coupon pools will be a default setting.

  • From now on, you will receive platform-related emails (onboarding, exports, password reset, etc.) from this address: no-reply@antavo.com

  • Inactive customers can be accessed through API as well: go to Settings → Customers →  Settings and enable the checkbox 'Display inactive customers on API'.


  • The point expiration date can be now returned via the Display API (format: YYYY-MM-DD), in the Points History endpoint. 

  • Under Custom Entity Management → Extend factory entity, Gamified profiling flow can be extended.

  • The following table shows which operations are currently supported by the various entities:

  • Shopify transaction ID can now be configured.

  • Magento’s deferred synchronization is implemented.

  • Searching for membership_id on the customer’s endpoint to only return full matches instead of partial matches is now enabled for Maitre’D employees.

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