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Klippa is an automated document processing tool that transforms customer-scanned purchase receipts into digital transactional data.

To offer the capability to monitor and reward transactions made through your non-integrated POS systems, Antavo’s receipt scanning solution uses the transaction data provided by Klippa. This data is employed to register customers 'purchases as events within their loyalty program accounts.
The integration also beneficial for FMCG brands that distribute their products across various retail stores.

To be able to use this integration, you need to:

  • Provide customers with an interface where they can upload a picture of their receipt

  • Consult your Klippa Customer Success Manager regarding the terms for using the receipt scanning add-on

How it works

  1. Send the receipt scanned by customers to Klippa

First, make sure to forward the uploaded receipts to Klippa. Instructions on how to send the input file in a pipeline to Klippa can be found here.

  1. Klippa processes the input file

Klippa processes the input file and transforms it into digital data by automated data extraction. For manual data review to enhance accuracy, you can use Klippa’s Human-In-The-Loop interface.

  1. Antavo registers the transaction-related events

Throughout the process, Klippa provides Antavo with the extracted data. This allows us to register checkout events in the loyalty program based on the transaction lifecycle you have configured in Antavo’s interfaces.

Configure pipeline settings

You need to configure the settings of the data processing pipeline so that Antavo can register the necessary events. You will need different pipelines for different types of documents (receipts or invoices) that you would like to translate to transactional data.

Find the configuration interface under the Modules menu by searching for the Klippa item in the module list. The page will open to the list of pipelines you have configured.

To create and configure the settings of a new pipeline, click Create new settings in the left sidebar.

Basic information

  • Name - Add the name of the new pipeline

  • Pipeline ID - Enter the ID of the Klippa pipeline that Antavo should handle
    Keep in mind that a pipeline ID is exclusive to one pipeline setting within Antavo, you can’t use the same pipeline ID in multiple pipeline settings.

  • Create draft transaction
    Mark the checkbox if Antavo should register a draft transaction when a scanned file is forwarded to Klippa, before it is converted to digital data.

  • Create receipt under review transaction
    Mark the checkbox if Antavo should register transaction-related events before the transformed data is reviewed in Klippa. In this scenario, the checkout_accept event will be logged, and points will be assigned after the review is done.
    Please note, that this option is only available if you use the Checkout accept module and don’t use the Pending events module.


Under the Authentication section, you need to insert the Klippa Input ID and Secret so that Antavo can receive the data.

Points economy

If your brand uses Multi-accounts, select the account to which the transaction-related events and earned points should be registered.

Edit pipeline settings

  • Navigate to the Settings tab

  • Click the Edit button of the pipeline settings that you’d like to edit

  • Modify the settings according to your needs

  • Click Update at the bottom of the page


Explore the error logs tab to access a comprehensive list of incoming requests Klippa sent to Antavo during the receipt processing.

The list provides the following information:

  • Customer ID

  • Type of the incoming request

  • Timestamp - date of the request being sent

  • ID of the request

By clicking > you can extend the log item and browse the body of the incoming request.

You can filter the list based on timestamp, type, and customer ID; and search items based on type and customer ID.

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