Configure reward sharing

Configure reward sharing

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This tutorial shows the steps of sharing a reward using Antavo. Sharing the reward is effectively a transfer and this process works as a gift from one loyalty member to another. The member who gave away the reward will no longer have it on their profile.


Reward sharing workflow

The reward sharing solution is available for all types of incentives. The first step is to create a 'transferable' reward. Sharing can happen through either the coupon_transfer event for coupon-type rewards (bundle, dynamic coupon, gift card) or reward_transfer event for all other types of rewards. The reward can be shared with another customer via their customer ID or email address. The emailing option also works for those who are not yet loyalty members. This scenario results in the creation of an inactive (ghost) customer and then an opt_in event occurs, registering them in the loyalty program.

Setting up a transferable reward

The first step is to ensure that the reward can be transferred.

You can find the configuration page of the Rewards module by opening the ‘Modules’ page and scrolling down to the ‘Core’ modules category. The page opens up to the list of rewards that are already set up.

Click ‘Create new reward’ or click the hamburger menu’s 'Edit' button one for one of the existing rewards. Find the instructions for populating and editing the reward here.

Scroll down to the Mechanics section where you can find the 'Transferable' checkbox that needs to be enabled and fill in the following information:

  • Transfer limit
    Set how many times a reward can be transferred. Set to 0 to disable the transfer limit.

  • Transfer points
    Set how many points should be given to the customer who transfers this reward.

Expiration information is an additional field to fill out while creating a Coupon-type reward:

  • Transfer coupon expirations: this refers to the transferred coupon’s expiration dates.

    • Remains
      The date remains the same.

    • Modify
      Specify the amount of time you would like to add to the current date.

    • Extend
      Extend the currently given expiration date with a specified amount of time.

Click the Save button at the bottom of the page. Now the customer can share the reward by sending it to another loyalty member’s ID or to any email address.

Note: Aggregated coupons cannot be transferred. Make sure that the Aggregation checkbox is not marked.

Reward sharing on the platform

Reward sharing from the customer’s profile

You can transfer the reward on behalf of the customer by submitting the transfer event in the Backoffice.

Go to the customer’s profile and find the reward on their Claimed rewards list. Go to the Events page from the menu bar on the left side, click on Add action in the upper right corner and add either of these two events:

Transferring a coupon from one customer to another Read more about this event type here.
Transferring a reward from one customer to another. Read more about this event type here.

The transfer event requires the following information:

  • Expiration date
    Use the date picker to define the date when the coupon transfer event should expire. If you leave it empty, the automatic expiration’s date will be applied.

  • Account
    In the case of using Multi-accounts, choose from the dropdown to which account the points can be given.

  • Coupon code or Reward ID
    Find the ID on the pages of the reward or coupon.

  • E-mail and/or target ID
    Type the email address and/or the ID of the customer to whom the coupon should be transferred. The input field is case-insensitive.

See the following video snippet demonstrating this process.


After the coupon_transfer or reward_transfer event has been written, a coupon_recieve or reward_recieve event will appear among the receiver’s events.

Verify that the gift is received by going to the Events tab on the customer profile.

Sharing initiated by a workflow rule

The Coupon transfer node gives an opportunity to have the coupon shared with another customer based on a trigger event.

Go to the Workflow editor as the next step. Find the Coupon transfer among the action nodes and fill in the information.

This functionality is not yet available with other reward types - the workflow transfer only covers coupon-type rewards.

Coupon sharing via emails and the creation of ghost customers

There are two outcomes of transferring a reward to an email address: the recipient is either a loyalty member or they are not yet present in Antavo. In case the email does not exist in the system, there will be a new, inactive, so-called 'ghost' customer profile created with this email address and the coupon will be stored on their profile. The use of the inactive customer status depends upon local data processing regulations and policies.

The ghost profile creation is illustrated in the video snippet below.

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