Customer insights
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Use Customer Insights to get actionable information about your loyalty members and their actions in your loyalty program and manage customer profiles. The built-in segmentation scheme helps you target customers with personalized offers.
- 1 Customers page
- 2 Customer profile
- 2.1 Overview
- 2.2 Personal information
- 2.3 Events
- 2.3.1 Event statuses
- 2.3.2 Event details
- 2.3.3 Add events manually
- 2.3.4 Filters
- 2.4 Points history
- 2.4.1 Manage points
- 2.4.2 Modify points expiration
- 2.5 Coupons
- 2.6 Transactions
- 2.6.1 Filters
- 2.7 Workflow logs
- 2.8 Passes
- 2.9 Tiered campaigns
- 2.10 Sync
- 3 Merging customer profiles
- 4 Segments
- 5 Labels
- 6 Customer lists
Customers page
Find the Customer Insights menu by clicking the icon in the sidebar. This action will direct you to the Customers page that presents the current list of customers enrolled in the loyalty program.
The searchable list provides the following information:
Name – name of the customer
In case the customer is suspended, the status is indicated as well.Email address – email address of the customer
You can put the customer list into alphabetical order by clicking this header.Score – number of points earned
Spent – number of points spent
Expired – earned points expired without being spent
Spendable – number of points currently available to spend
Last login – the last time the /auth endpoint was used to authenticate a customer as a loyalty member
The menu bar on the left-hand side offers the following actions:
Create customer
Add new customers one by one manually.Create segments, Import segments
Read more about segments here.Create customer label
Labels are specific customer segments that can either be populated here or appended by integrations. Read more about labels here.Export customers
Extract customer data from Antavo’s database by downloading a .csv or JSON file.Import customers
Mass-enroll customers in the loyalty program or update their data stored in Antavo’s database by uploading a .csv or JSON import file.
In the top-right corner, you can find the ‘Filter’ button to filter the customer list based on status, gender, country, and tier information.
Customer profile
Get to a specific member’s profile by clicking the corresponding ‘Open’ button. The Overview tab of the Profile page will open up first.
Please note, that if User group module is enabled in your brand, the content of the following sections of the customer profile might be filtered based on the configured user group settings:
Available rewards under the Overview tab
Claimed rewards under the Overview tab
Claim a reward button under the Overview tab
Specific coupons under the Coupons tab
Under the Overview tab, you’ll find a detailed portrait of your customer, with all the information collected in the loyalty program and sent in through the API, namely:
Points statistics
Points currently available to spend
Points earned since the customer is a member of the loyalty program, otherwise known as the score
Points spent
Pending points
Reserved points
Expired points
In case the Multi-accounts module is enabled and you have multiple accounts added, the point statistics of the accounts are listed in alphabetical order based on the Account ID.
Personal information
Email address
Inactive – The pre-enrollment activities of a customer. This is primarily for data migration as it reserves pre-existing customers' IDs from other integrated systems, thus reducing the risk of potential data conflicts/loss. The use of this status depends upon local data processing regulations and policies.
Please note that if auto-subscribe is enabled under General settings, inactive customers are evaluated by workflows. To exclude inactive customers from workflow execution, add a customer attribute filter to your workflow and specify the condition to exclude inactive customers.Active – These are consenting members of the loyalty program. The ‘profile’ event can be used to update customer attributes and you can track active members' activities by searching their profiles on the Antavo Backoffice.
The active status may not be confused with active member statistical metrics. Read more about active member events here.Opted-out – A customer deliberately leaves the program. Opting out results in the complete anonymization in Antavo’s database with the opted-out status. This can also be applied forcibly (banned) for violating the terms and conditions.
Suspended – A customer who was suspended by the Backoffice administrator because of fraudulent behavior. The suspended member cannot be merged with other customers and the button only appears for currently active statuses.
A suspended member:can earn points
cannot spend points
can be unsuspended at any time.
The suspend/unsuspend actions can be executed from the Backoffice manually, via API and by initiating a workflow using the Trigger event node.
Additional profile information (answers to profiling questions, custom attributes in the profile event)
Please note that the multitude of Facebook connect attributes are synchronized into Antavo’s system based on their Facebook profile information when a customer starts using social media modules. These overwritten attributes are stored on the Antavo customer profile.
The following attributes arrive from the Facebook application’s side:
: Facebook nickname/first name of the customer
: Facebook graphapi unique ID of the customer
: URL of the Facebook profile picture of the customer
: Access token to connect to Facebook
: Gender of the customer is overwritten from Facebook
: First name of the customer is overwritten from Facebook
: First name of the customer is overwritten from Facebook
: URL of the Facebook page of the customer
Statistic cards
The information available depends on basic brand and loyalty program settings. Contact the Antavo Service Desk if you need further information to be displayed.
List of completed challenges
List of claimed rewards and available rewards
Latest actions
Segments that the customer is a part of
Coupon statistics
Moreover, you can manage basic profile actions in the upper right corner (all options are available by clicking the More button):
Merge customers – find further information below
Claim a reward – claim a reward for the customer manually
Resync – trigger a synchronization to the marketing automation provider
Opt out – remove the customer from the loyalty program
The customer can join your loyalty program again anytime, but all their historical data will be lost. Read more about the opt-out process here.Suspend, Unsuspend – restrict the customer in spending points after suspicious behavior or unsuspend them anytime
Tier up, Tier down – update the customer’s tier status in the selected tier structure manually
Once the tier is manually upgraded, then the customer cannot be downgraded from the manually set tier, the customer cannot be downgraded until they either exceed the threshold of the manually set tier and reach an even higher tier, or until the manually set tier expires.
If you use the Keep the highest reached tier level expiration method, customers cannot be manually downgraded to a tier lower than the one they qualify for based on the number of tier points they've collected.Change tier expiration date – change the expiration date(s) of the customer’s current tier(s) manually
Please note, that the tier expiration date is automatically recalculated when the next customer action is registered based on the configured mechanisms.
Personal information
Navigate to the Personal Information tab on the left-hand side to find and update customer data manually.
Labels are descriptive tags that can be attached to customers manually or appended by integrations.
If the Shopify extension is activated, a list-type field called Tags appears among the Additional fields.
Tags that are added to your customer’s profile are updated in Antavo through a profile event.
However, if the tags are edited on the loyalty platform, it does not synchronize the tag back to Shopify.
These tags can be used for automatic segmentation.
An Antavo event is a micro document that records an action performed in the Antavo Enterprise Loyalty Cloud in conjunction with a specific customer e.g, purchase, point addition or subtraction, or tier promotion.
The Events tab shows a detailed Event history of all customer events that were carried out on the membership site and sent through the API with all the attributes attached. If the registration of an event was a result of a workflow running, the ‘Source’ information displays the name of the workflow with a link to the configuration page of the workflow that triggered the event.
By clicking on the Transaction ID values associated with purchase-related events (e.g. Checkout, Checkout update, Refund, and Point unburn), you can filter the events based on the specific Transaction ID.
All event labels can be displayed in your own language. Read more about the Translations and Multi-language module here.
Event statuses
The status of event points is indicated by the following labels next to the ‘Points’ attribute in case the event has an expiration date:
Points EXHAUSTED - all the points earned through the event have been spent already, the
attribute value matches theused_points
attribute valueEXPIRED - the points earned through the event have expired
EXPIRING - the points earned through the event are about to expire the next time the scheduled expiration service runs
no label - the event does not have an expiration date and there are points earned through the event that have not been spent already
The ‘expired’ and ‘expiring’ labels are only available if you use the Expiring points module in the loyalty program.
Event details
The Event history highlights some of the event attributes recorded within the event document, but by clicking the ‘Details’ button of each event log item, you can find the entire list of the attributes.
In addition, at the bottom of this page, you are provided with the list of workflows that have been triggered by the event in the last 3 months (this time interval might vary based on brand configuration). The ‘Details’ button of each workflow item directs to the dedicated subpage of Workflow Logs where all the steps of the triggered workflow process are explained.
Add events manually
Besides browsing the list of each customer’s events, you can also add events manually to the customer’s events history. If the event is rewarded with loyalty points, the associated points will be added to the customer’s point balance as well.
Add events by following these steps:
Click the ‘Add action’ button on the upper right-hand side of the Events page
Use the ‘Action’ dropdown field to select the event to add
Add event properties as needed
Click the ‘Save’ button
If the event has been added, a success message and the event will appear on the Events history page.
Events can be filtered based on their type. You can search Checkout events based on the transaction ID as well.
Points history
On the Points history tab, all the events are displayed that have an impact on the customer’s point balance, which helps track point balance changes.
Manage points
You can manually add or deduct points from customer accounts. To add/deduct points:
Click on the ‘Manage points’ button on the upper right-hand side of the Points history page
Select one of the following options
Add points – increase the score and spendable points by the registration of a Point add event
The point modification possibly affects the customer tier.Sub points – decrease the score and the number of spendable points as well by the registration of a Point sub event
The point modification possibly affects the customer tier.Spend points – decreases the spendable points and increases the number of spent points by the registration of a Point spend event
The point modification doesn’t affect the customer tier.
Enter the point value
Enter the expiration date of added points, if any
Select the customer account to which the point modification should be applied
This field is only available if you use the Multi-accounts module.Add the reason for the point modification
Click ‘Submit’
Modify points expiration
If you use the Expiring point module, the 'Modify Point Expiration' button is available to select multiple point-based events and define their new expiration date.
On the Modify point expiration page, click the ‘Set expiration date’ button and select a new date using the date picker that appears. Once saved, the customer's expiring point balance changes with the remaining usable points.
Note that if the Approval module is active in the Backoffice with the Events option enabled, only users with Approver rights can make immediate manual customer updates on the Backoffice. Other users’ modifications have to be approved by an Approver before the change is live. Learn more about Approvals here.
The Coupons tab lists coupons added to the customer by:
claiming a coupon type of Reward
claiming an Offer
a rule set up in the Workflow editor
The searchable list provides the following information:
Claimed at – date of the coupon assignment
The available types are amount, percentage, free shipping, and gift card.Amount – the value of the coupon
Not available for free shipping coupons.Balance – current value of the coupon
Only available for gift card coupons.The expiration date of the coupon
Redeemed at – date of redemption
Possible statuses are claimed, unassigned, redeemed, expired, invalid or transferred.Usages – number of coupon redemptions
Using the hamburger button at the end of the row you can manually trigger the following actions:
Redeem – mark the coupon as used
The coupon status changes to redeemed.Invalidate – invalidate the coupon
The coupon status changes to invalid.Unassign – unassign the coupon
The coupon status changes to unassigned.Transfer – assign the coupon to another customer
The coupon status changes to transferred. If you click ‘Transfer’ the next window will ask you to populate the ID and/or the email address of the customer to whom the coupon should be transferred. The input field is case-insensitive.
Read more about coupon transfer configuration here.Change expiration – modify the expiration date of the coupon
The coupon status might change to expired or claimed according to the new expiration date.
The page will open to the list of each and every transaction this customer has made with the following information:
Account – the account to which the transaction was registered
Transaction ID – alphanumeric ID of the given transaction
Checkout date – date of the submission, following the format of DD/MM/YYYY, HH:MM
Points rewarded – number of points collected for this transaction
Points burned – number of points that were redeemed for this transaction
If an event is submitted with a transaction ID, it creates a draft transaction. The checkout details can be added later, triggering the transaction to be active.Pending/Accepted/Rejected
When the Checkout accept module is active, the checkout event is extended by an additional verification step that ends in accepting/rejecting the transaction. Until then, it stays in Pending status.Refunded
status transactions can be refunded.
The ‘Details’ button will offer a broad set of information: the transaction ID, the total value of the purchase, and the refunded value. Below that, there is a list of items that were involved in this transaction, revealing the product’s name and ID, the quantity, price, discount, and the subtotal value of each item.
Transactions can be filtered based on their transaction ID, the customer’s ID, the transaction status (draft, accepted, pending, rejected, refunded), and the Multi-account’s name.
Workflow logs
The Workflow logs page lists all the workflow runnings initiated for the customer in the last 3 months (this time interval might vary based on brand configuration).
The list provides the following information:
Type of the result of the item
The result of the workflow is indicated in the list as success or failure. Success means that a workflow has been completed by passing all through the elements, whilst failure means the workflow has stopped at any stage of the flow.
A workflow is considered a success even if the actions were not registered because filters were applied or the workflow was interrupted with an Interrupt modifier.Name of the workflow with a link to the workflow editor page
The trigger of the workflow execution
The date and time of the start of workflow execution
Duration of the workflow running
If you click the ‘Details’ button on any of the list items, you’ll be redirected to the detailed log page under the Log tab of the specific workflow under Workflow Management.
This tab is available in case you use the Wallet module in your loyalty program. The page includes all the passes that have been assigned to the customer with the following columns:
Identifier of the pass
Creation (assignment) date of the pass
Date of the last update of the pass
The reward that is redeemable through the pass
In case a pass template is assigned to the reward, a pass is created on the customer’s account when the reward is claimed. You can read more about this here.Type of the pass (membership, event, or coupon)
Status of the pass (currently, only the assigned status is available)
You can find 2 action buttons at the end of every row:
Only applicable if you use Antavo’s infrastructure to send pass emails to customers (legacy feature).Push
Sends a request to the pass provider to update the pass.
Tiered campaigns
If the Tiered campaigns module is turned on, the Tiered campaigns tab displays the number of points the customer has earned through tiered campaings. A campaign occurrence appears on the list if the customer has an eligible transaction associated with it. The results of campaign occurrences are grouped by campaigns. The columns of the page includes:
End date of the occurrence
Status of the occurrence (Completed, Grace period or Active)
Pending points - Customer’s number of pending points within the occurrence
Awarded points - Customer’s number of earned point within the occurrence
You can track all the requests that have been sent by Antavo (either through integration settings or workflow actions) to your marketing automation under the Sync tab.
The list contains the entire content of the requests and the response provided by the external party. The result of each sync attempt is indicated with an icon.
– successful synchronization, the external provider responded with a success message
– synchronization failed, the external provider responded with an error message
A ‘Resync’ button is available in the top right corner that you can use to trigger the sync of all customer fields that have been added on the customer synchronization page of the integration settings.
Merging customer profiles
The 'Merge' button on the Overview page combines two loyalty membership profiles owned by the same person into one single profile.
Clicking the 'Merge' button will result in a dialog where the additional ID of the profile for the merge process must be entered.
A new interface appears where you can review the customer data affected by the merge process and see which profile will be kept active. There are two types of merges: the ‘Partial’ option merges customers without custom fields, and the ‘Full’ option merges customers with custom fields.
After clicking the ‘Merge’ button, the whole event history of the merged profile is added to the remaining active customer ID.
The new stream should be checked to ensure that there are no duplicate points that arise from identical actions in your loyalty program. Points removal is discussed in the Manage points section of this chapter.
The Segment editor helps you better personalize and target your members with loyalty incentives. Segments can be viewed, created, and edited by navigating to the Segments tab under the Customer Insights menu. Read more about segments here.
The Labels tab contains a listing page of customer labels.
Labels are descriptive tags that can be attached to customers. They can be created and assigned by brand owners to their customers or can be automatically generated and appended by integrations.
The following Antavo features are capable of generating labels:
Opt-in process
Labels can be initialized upon opting into the loyalty program.Profiling events
Labels can be assigned to a customer when gathering information about their preferences through profiling questions.Imports
Under the ‘Customers’ data model, the 'Labels' field can be imported to the platform.Incoming webhooks
See this section for the use case of how incoming webhooks can be used to assign a label to a customer who has just opted-in to the loyalty program.
After opening the Labels tab, a searchable, alphabetically ordered list appears, providing the following information:
Identifier – label ID
Status – active/inactive
Customer counter – the number of customers that have this label
The ‘Edit’ button allows you to rename the customer label ID. Once changes are made to the label, the updated version will be applied to all customers who are currently assigned this label.
The ‘View’ button lists the customers under the specific label (Identifier, Status, First name, Last name) and leads them to their customer profiles.
Customer lists
Customer lists are similar to customer segments, but with one distinct difference: you can manually add customers of your choice to the list, without setting predefined rules that add customers automatically. You can add or remove customers from lists anytime.
The status label below the list's name indicates whether it is active, inactive, or archived.
Create a new list
Click the ‘Create’ button on the Customer Lists page
Enter the name of the list and click the ‘Create’ button
The name of the list can be edited anytime using the ‘Edit’ button.
Add members to a list
Go to the Customer Lists > View page
Click on the ‘Open’ button for the list you would like to add members to
Type the name or the email address of the customer you want to add under the ‘Add new member’ section
Once you find the customer you want to add, click the corresponding ‘Add’ button
Delete members from a list
Go to the Customer Lists > View page
Click on ‘Open’ button of the list you would like to delete members from
Once you find the customer you want to delete, click the corresponding ‘Remove’ button
Confirm your decision in the dialog that appears
Access Bulk Operation Requests
To access the status and errors of bulk customer list operation requests, navigate to Customer Lists > Bulk Operation Request Queue.
Details displayed on this page include:
Type: The type of customer list operation (e.g., customer_add, customer_remove).
Status: The current status of the bulk operation process.
Customer List ID: The ID of the customer list associated with the specific bulk operation process.
Batch ID: The unique identifier for the specific bulk operation process.
Number of Customers: The count of customers related to the specific bulk operation process.
Number of Errors: The total number of errors encountered during the specific bulk operation process.
Created at: The date when the process was initiated.
By clicking on the Errors button, you can access detailed error information regarding the specific process, including the customers involved in the error, the error code, and the error message.
Bind lists to your loyalty offers
You can use lists in 3 of the loyalty modules:
Rewards: define segments of members who can claim a specific reward
Challenges: define segments of members who can earn loyalty points for completing specific challenges
Offers: define segments of members who can claim and redeem a specific offer
Inactivate lists
Navigate to the Customer lists tab
Click the ‘Edit’ button of the list you’d like to inactivate
Click the ‘Set inactive’ button
Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears
Please note that inactive lists cannot be selected in any loyalty program mechanism configuration.
Archive lists
You have the option to delete inactive lists by archiving them.
Navigate to the Customer lists tab
Click the ‘Edit’ button of the list you’d like to archive
Click the ‘Archive’ button
Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears
Archiving is irreversible. Once a list is archived, all customers are removed from the list and it cannot be restored anymore.
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