

The User Manual has moved! For the most up-to-date information, please visit our new site at docs.antavo.com.
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Maitre'D is a point-of-sale (POS) software system designed for the hospitality industry. It provides a range of features such as inventory management, table management, reporting, and payment processing.

Maitre'D can be integrated with a loyalty platform to enhance the overall customer experience. By integrating with Antavo, Maitre'D can capture customer data to provide personalized promotions and rewards to customers so that your brand can gain customer loyalty and increase revenue.

This document shows how to configure the connection between Antavo and Maitre’D and describes the basic settings of the module.

Find the configuration page of the Maitre’D module by typing it into the search bar of the Modules menu. After clicking ‘Configure’, you will find two tabs on the left-hand side: Settings and Logs.


The Authentication section requires a username and a password. These are both mandatory fields.

  • User
    Type the name of the Maitre'D user to be connected to Antavo.

  • Password
    Type here the username’s API key.

The Settings section lists the following options:

  • External ID
    This field is associated with Maitre'D 'folio' ID.

  • Enable logging
    Mark this checkbox to allow Antavo to log events.

  • Log only failed requests
    Mark this checkbox to allow only failed requests to be logged.


The Maitre’D module’s ‘Logs’ tab contains the recorded events' logs.

The Logs page contains the ID, date, the content of the request and response of each activity and a code that indicates the success or failure of the sync.


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