Security logs

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The page under the Security logs tab lists all actions affecting login, onboarding, password reset and multi-factor authentication events that occur in the specific brand.

When navigating to the Security logs tab, the page will open to the list of actions that have been logged with the following information:

  • Type – type of the user action

    • login – successful login

    • login_failed – unsuccessful login

    • login_banned – the account is banned from login after 5 multiple failed attempts

    • login_unbanned – the account is unbanned 1 hour after it has been banned

    • logout – the user logout clicks the ‘Logout’ button

    • mfa_enabledmulti-factor authentication was turned on

    • mfa_disabledmulti-factor authentication was turned off

    • onboarding – a newly created Backoffice user logs in for the first time

    • password_reset_request – the password reset email was sent to the user

    • password_reset - the user reset the password through the password reset email

    • password_reset_failed - the password reset attempt failed

    • password_change - the user changed the password on the platform

    • password_change_failed - the password change attempt failed

  • Timestamp – date of the action

  • User – the user affected with the user name and ID linked to the user profile

You can filter the list based on any of this information by clicking the ‘Filter’ button in the upper right corner.


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