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Filters are used to apply conditions of workflow executions to specific attribute values. You can configure complex limitation rules by adding multiple value filters to the branching logic of the workflows.

Please note, that some of the filters and their configuration options appear after the necessary module is turned on in your loyalty program. Contact the Antavo Service Desk if a node is not available for you.

Trigger node

Module required

Trigger node

Module required

Event attribute


Customer attribute


Challenge progress




Filter conditions

The conditions of each type of filter can be configured through the following steps:

  • Select an attribute
    Available attributes are populated automatically based on the type of filter.

  • Select an operator, the word(s) that define(s) the type of comparison
    Available operators are populated automatically in the dropdown list.

  • Define the value used for comparison

The use of ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ relations provides a high level of flexibility for creating complex rules of filter conditions.

Filter outputs

Each filter has two types of outputs: success (green) and failure (red).

  • Success: The actions attached to the success output of the filter will only be executed when all the filtering criteria are met.

  • Failure: The actions attached to the failure output of the filter will only be executed when the filtering criteria are not met.


Event attribute

The Event attribute filter helps you target the workflow execution to specific trigger events only, based on the values stored in the attribute fields of the trigger event.

This example shows the configuration of the event filter when you apply the workflow on specific Checkout item events based on the category of the product purchased.

You can add any parameter of the Event trigger or Historical event as a filter. However, the Event attribute filter is not available when employing an ‘On a date’ trigger and ‘Challenge progress change', as there’s no event trigger to be specified.

You can use both built-in and custom attributes as filters. Read more about the instructions to create custom event attributes here.

Customer attribute

The Customer attribute filter helps you target the workflow execution to specific customers only, based on the values stored in the attribute fields of the customer object.

The Customer attribute filter can be used with any type of workflow trigger as there’s always a customer to whom the workflow is applied.

You can use both built-in and custom attributes as filters. Read more about the instructions to create custom attributes for the customers' profiles here.

Challenge progress

The Challenge progress filter helps you target the workflow execution to specific customers only, based on their progress in any configured challenge, let it be an active or an inactive challenge as well.

This filter lets you filter the progress to the overall challenge completion and to each challenge criterium. The filter can either be the number of criteria completed or the percentage of the challenge/criterium completion.

The Customer attribute filter can be used with any type of workflow trigger as there’s always a customer to whom the workflow is applied.

You can use both built-in and custom attributes as filters. Read more about the instructions to create custom attributes for the customers' profiles here.


The Variable filter node is able to filter the value of a transport variable that has been assigned in any of the previously executed nodes of Variable assign, Entity lookup or Create custom entity nodes within the workflow.

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