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Modifiers are special types of actions designed for advanced use cases.

Modifier outputs

Each modifier, except for the Interrupt node, has two types of outputs: success (green) and failure (red).

  • Success: The actions attached to the success output of the modifier will only be executed when the modification was successful.

  • Failure: The actions attached to the failure output of the filter will only be executed when the modification was unsuccessful.



Interrupt modifiers break the execution of the workflow by preventing the triggering event to be registered in the database. Consequently, the interrupt modifier can only be added to the modifier output branch of an Event trigger.

  • Add a reason why the workflow is interrupted

  • Set a 5-digit custom error code to be returned by Antavo in the event response if the workflow runs into an interrupt modifier

The Interrupt node is the only node in the Workflow editor that doesn’t have any output.

One of the typical use cases of this modifier is to interrupt the opt-in process if the customer is younger than 18 years old.

Modify event

The event modifier makes change(s) in the attribute(s) of the event that triggers the workflow. Just like the interrupt modifier, it can only be used on the modifier output branch of the event trigger, as it modifies the event before it’s registered in the database.

  • Enter the key of the event attribute field and the new value of this field
    You can add multiple attribute field modifications using the ‘Add’ button.

Please note, that in a parent-child event relationship (eg. Checkout and Checkout item events), the child event does not inherit the modified value of an attribute, a parent and/or a child event triggered workflow should be configured for each event separately.

Modify customer

The customer modifier can change the properties of the customer object itself. You can insert it anywhere in the flow to add or change customer information stored in the database.

  • Enter the key of the customer attribute field and the new value of this field
    You can add multiple attribute field modifications using the ‘Add’ button.

Modify coupon

By using the Modify coupon node you can change the expiration date, value, or any custom field (added via custom entities) of a coupon code.

  • Define the coupon code that should be modified
    You can use a placeholder value (eg. {event.coupon}), but adding a coupon code is not required - the system will look for the coupon for the customer or event to which the workflow is being applied.

  • Insert the number of coupon claims that should be added to the total number of claims of the coupon

  • Enter the key of the coupon attribute field and the new value of the field
    You can add multiple attribute field modifications using the ‘Add’ button.


Modify custom entity

You can use the Modify customer entity node to change the attribute values of custom entity item(s) that are available in the transport from the previous Create custom entity and Entity lookup action nodes.

  • Enter the name of the variable that has been added in the transport previously

  • Use the dropdown field to select the type of entity that is modified

  • Enter the key of the entity item attribute field and the new value of the field
    You can add multiple attribute field modifications using the ‘Add’ button.


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