Flow control
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The Wait node is a flow controller built into the Workflow editor that can delay the continuation of the workflow. It is typically used to make sure that the synchronization of data and communication with remote services is completed before the workflow moves on to the next node.
The amount of time and the time period (minutes, hours, and days) can be set by double-clicking the Wait node. The minimum time value is 1 minute and there is no maximum limit.
You can track workflow executions that are currently put on hold by a Wait node under the Running workflows tab.
Wait output
The then output is where all the further workflow elements should be connected to.
Variable assign
The Variable assign node can be used to store information that is carried as transport information in the subsequent nodes until the completion of the workflow. Variables come in handy when a value is only relevant while the current workflow is being executed, so there’s no need to store it for a longer term in an entity attribute field.
Set the name of the new variable
This is how you can refer to the variable in subsequent filters and actions.Define the value of the variable
Using volt expressions you can apply advanced-level calculations of variable values.
Variable assign output
The success output is where all the further workflow elements should be connected to.
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