Fraud prevention

Fraud prevention

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Aggregated customer value

Before you start configuring this node, please make sure the Customer aggregation module is enabled in your brand. If necessary, please submit a request on the Antavo Service Desk to enable it for you.

The Aggregated customer value node is a fraud detection tool that helps to identify and prevent abusive usages of the loyalty scheme. By adding this node to any point of the workflow you can run a check if a threshold of an accumulated value condition is exceeded.

Typical use cases:

  • interrupting and preventing the registration of an event if the customer has exceeded a configured earned points threshold

  • setting up a limit for the number of bonus points to be earned or spent within one month

  • triggering a notification to the customer reminding them about the terms of use if they reached a specific number of point earn limit on the current day

The node offers the following configuration fields to define the aggregation condition:

  • Date range
    Select the time period of values to be aggregated relative to the current date.
    The available options: today, week to date, month to date, quarter to date and year to date.

  • Customer
    Decide if the subject of accumulation should be the customer who is affected by the current workflow execution only or every customer in the loyalty program.

  • Aggregation type
    Select the customer attribute value to be aggregated.

    • earned - number of earned points

    • spent - number of spent points

    • accumulated - the number of earned points reduced by spent points

    • standard - number of earned points except for the the points added for Campaign bonus events

    • bonus - the points assigned for Campaign bonus events

  • Threshold
    Enter the target value of the aggregation.
    Please make sure you add a numeric value.

Aggregation outputs

The Aggregated Customer Value node has two types of outputs: success (green) and failure (red).

  • Success: The actions attached to the success output of the node will only be executed if the calculated value is equal or greater than the configured threshold.

  • Failure: The actions attached to the failure output of the node will only be executed when the if the calculated value is less than the configured threshold.


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