Social share

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Drive traffic to your products or seasonal landing pages using the Social share module. With the help of this module, customers can share the pages of your webstore for points on Twitter and Facebook. Our solution automatically grabs all metadata from your product page, including the title, image, and product description, and displays customizable share buttons.

Sharing the specific pages happens through popups opened by share icons. Share icons appear on the page if Antavo’s JavaScript SDK has been injected into the top frame of the website. Read more about technical details here.
When customers have successfully shared the page through the popup, a share event is registered with points according to the configurated settings.


Find the configuration page by opening the Modules menu and searching for the ‘Social share’ module in the list. The page will open to the interface where you can configure all the settings of the module.

When working with the Social share module, please keep in mind that incentivizing shares is against Facebook and Twitter guidelines. There’s a possibility that Facebook or Twitter will ban your application.

Connect Facebook app

To enable this point-earning option, you need to make sure you have connected your Facebook app to your Antavo brand under the Social account module. The app will request authorization from customers on behalf of Antavo to share posts on their feeds through the share buttons.


Point logic

  • Awarded points
    Set a global point value for all shares in the first section of the module configuration screen.
    Points will be awarded after each share, regardless of the number of recipients.

  • Daily share limit
    Set a limit on the number of times the customer can receive points for sharing on a daily basis, between 1 and 100 times.
    This will not affect the customer’s sharing capabilities: customers will still be able to share your pages as many times as they want, but they won’t receive additional points over the share limit until the following day. Sharing content with multiple recipients will count as one share when shared with all recipients simultaneously.
    We recommend that you reward no more than 3 shares per day to prevent customers from earning too many points in a day.


Click the icon of the selected social network to enable a channel. Antavo supports sharing on two social networks: Facebook and Twitter. A checkmark will appear under the icon indicating that the selected network is active.

In order to make the channels work, you need to connect your Facebook and/or Twitter app to your brand under the Social accounts module. These apps will request authorization from the customer on behalf of Antavo to add the shared post to the customer’s feed.

Sharing buttons

The share icons that open share popups are added to your website through the implementation of the JavaScript SDK. Use the configuration options to position the widget on desktop or mobile by selecting the locations that best suit your website and mobile site.

By default, the icon of each network you have selected previously will be added to your pages, and the page the customer is currently visiting is being shared. These default mechanisms can be overridden, by changing the settings of the JavaScript SDK.

In the case of Facebook, the page can only be shared with the help of the default Facebook share popup, which means that this pop-up is not customizable. However, there’s no such requirement for the Twitter share popup. Please, consult the Antavo Service Desk about customizing the appearance of the Twitter popup.

Instead of using Antavo’s share buttons, you can implement your own share buttons to get Antavo to open the share pop-up by adding attributes to the HTML elements.

Please note, that Antavo can only reward sharing if the customer uses the popup that is opened by Antavo. Shares posted directly from customers' Facebook account cannot be tracked.

Loyalty card

In the final section of the module configuration page, you can configure the content that the activities/earn Display API endpoint will return when you send a request to query the customer’s point-earning options.

  • Card title
    Set the title of the card

  • Card Image
    Find the information about image upload requirements here.

  • Card description
    Add a description of this point-earning option.


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