Coupons tab
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You can find the Coupons tab by clicking the hamburger button of a reward on the Reward management page, clicking ‘Statistics’ or 'Edit', and navigating to the Coupons tab. The page will open to the list of coupons that have been uploaded and/or assigned to customers with the following information:
Customer - assignee of the coupon
Claimed at - date of the coupon assignment
The expiration date of the coupon
unassigned - the coupon has been uploaded, but not claimed by a customer yet
claimed - the customer has spent points to get the reward, it was assigned by a Backoffice user manually or by a workflow
redeemed - the customer has used the coupon at checkout
Please note that usage information is only available if the coupon was redeemed by a Backoffice user manually or if the Coupon redeem event has been sent through the Events API with the coupon code included.expired - the coupon has been claimed but expired without being used
invalid - the coupon has been invalidated by a Backoffice user
Usages - the number of times the coupon code has been used in a purchase
Uploading coupons
If you don’t use the Coupons module and have created a Coupon type of reward with the ‘Upload’ option at the coupon source setting, you will need to upload the coupons before activating the reward.
Navigate to the Coupons tab on the left-hand side of the page
Please note that the Coupons tab is available after saving the reward for the first time.Click the ‘Upload’ button on the upper right-hand side of the Coupons tab
You’ll be redirected to the coupon import page of the Imports module. You can learn more about how to use the module here.Upload a CSV format file with one code in each row
You can find the data fields that you can include in the CSV in the ‘Name’ column under the 'Fields’ section.Click ‘Upload’ at the bottom of the page
Configure the file import as per your need and make sure the correct reward is selected in the ‘Reward' dropdown field
Click ‘Start import’
Right after the import is completed, coupons will appear in the list with a ‘Not claimed yet’ label.
Manual coupon actions
Invalidate coupons
Please note, that only coupons with ‘claimed’ and ‘unassigned’ statuses can be invalidated.
Invalidate one single coupon
Click the hamburger button of the coupon code
Click ‘Invalidate’
Confirm the invalidation action in the dialog that appears
Invalidate multiple coupons at the same time
This method is available only for coupons with ‘claimed’ status.
Tick the checkbox of each coupon code you’d like to invalidate
Click the blue ‘Invalidate selected’ button at the top of the page
Confirm the invalidation action in the dialog that appears
The manual invalidation action updates the status of the coupon to ‘invalid’ and if the coupon had been claimed and assigned to a customer, it triggers the registration of the Coupon invalidate event is registered on the event history of the assignee of the reward.
Transfer coupons
Please note, that only coupons with ‘claimed’ status can be transferred.
Click the hamburger button of the coupon code
Click ‘Transfer’
Enter the ID of the customer who will receive the coupon in the ‘Target Customer ID’ field,
Enter the ID of the customer who will receive the coupon in the ‘Target Customer email’ fieldClick ‘Transfer’
The manual transfer action triggers the registration of the Coupon transfer on the event history of the previous assignee and the Coupon receive event on the event history of the new assignee.
Redeem coupons
Please note, that only coupons with ‘claimed’ status can be redeemed.
Tick the checkbox of each coupon code you’d like to invalidate
Click the blue ‘Redeem selected’ button at the top of the page
Confirm the invalidation action in the dialog that appears
The redemption action triggers the registration of the Coupon redeem event on the event history of the assignee and increments the number of coupon usages.
Unredeem coupons
Please note, that only coupons with ‘redeemed’ status can be unredeemed.
Unredeem one single coupon
Click the hamburger button of the coupon code
Click ‘Mark as unredeemed’
Confirm the invalidation action in the dialog that appears
Unredeem multiple coupons at the same time
Tick the checkbox of each coupon code you’d like to invalidate
Click the blue ‘Unredeem selected’ button at the top of the page
Confirm the invalidation action in the dialog that appears
The unredeeem action updates the status of the coupon to ‘claimed ’, triggers the registration of the Coupon unredeem event on the event history of the assignee, and reduces the number of coupon usages.
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