Tiered campaigns

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The Tiered campaigns module is built to help to encourage customers to repeat certain actions by rewarding points based on the level of the milestone they have achieved during a predefined time period.

For example, if there is a planned campaign for the fall season but you’d prefer to grant points in the last days of September, October, and November, this module allows you to configure this campaign for a length of one month, repeated three times. Having the same setup repeatedly becomes possible by reusing the settings, instead of configuring each campaign one by one.

When it comes to sales commission management, this feature can be useful in a way that sales personnel can earn more rewards or unlock higher commission rates by reaching specific milestones.

Find the configuration page of the Tiered campaigns module by typing it into the search bar of the Modules menu. The page will open to a list of campaigns that have already been set up using this module.

The following information is displayed on the listing page:

  • Name of the campaign and the status
    The status can be active, inactive, draft, or scheduled

  • Event type
    The type of event that will trigger the campaign.

  • Attribute to aggregate
    The attribute of the chosen event that will be summarized for eligibility.

  • Limit hit type
    Three types: percentage, hit limit, and amount.

  • Next evaluation date
    This date shows the active campaign’s next evaluation date; when the pending points will be moved to awarded status.

  • Recurring
    A green checkmark signals whether the campaign is recurring. When hovering over the text with the mouse, the remaining number of occurrences will also be given.

  • Actions
    The hamburger menu offers the following options:

    • edit the campaign

    • view its statistics

Adding a new campaign

Click ‘Create new campaign’ on the left sidebar to configure a new tiered campaign.

Basic information

  • Name
    If you handle multiple languages in your loyalty program, click the ‘Translate’ button to add translations.

  • Icon (optional)
    Follow these upload instructions to add an image that will represent this campaign.

Campaign settings

  • Campaign start date
    Use the date picker to choose the start date.

  • Duration
    Type here how long you’d like the campaign to run. The duration should be set in the following format: ({number}minute(s)|hour(s)|day(s).

  • Number of occurrences
    Determine how many times the campaign should run, within the duration.

  • Preview generated on
    This indicates the frequency of recalculating the bonus points. One preview represents one occurrence. You will be able to check them under the Statistics page of each campaign.

  • Grace period
    Type here the time interval that should elapse after the end of the whole campaign before the awarded points are calculated. This lets you set a time period to consider modifications that may occur after the end of the campaign duration . The interval should be set in the following format: ({number}minute(s)|hour(s)|day(s).

  • Segments of a campaign (optional)
    You can choose to make the campaign available for specific customer segments and/or lists only. You can add multiple segments using the dropdown list. This configuration field works with a logical or operator, which means that the reward is accessible to the members of any of the selected segment(s) and list(s).

Campaign rules

Entity type

Use the dropdown field to select the type of entity that will trigger your campaign:

  • Transaction
    The campaign will be applied to all events that have a transaction ID.


If you use the Checkout accept module in the loyalty program, pending points (coming from pending checkouts) are also registered for Tiered campaign participants. This ensures that checkout_update and checkout_reject events also modify the pending points within the tiered campaign.

Tiered campaign bonus points will remain pending until campaign evaluation. These points will not be awarded to the customer, if the checkout confirmation does not happen before the campaign period ends.

  • Event
    If you set the Event option, any event can be selected as a campaign trigger (except for the ones that have a transaction ID). The ‘Entity type’ dropdown list will automatically appear that you can use to select the specific event.


Attribute to aggregate (numeric fields)

Select the attribute of the event that will be summarized for campaign evaluation.
If you've chosen Transaction from the 'Entity type' dropdown, you have the option to initiate a product combination campaign. Simply select the Product Combination option at the bottom of the list to proceed.

Attribute for date (optional)

Choose which date to examine. This is used for checking up if the event/transaction has happened within the occurrence period. The selectable options vary for Event- and Transaction-type campaigns:

  • Transaction date attribute options:

    • Timestamp of purchase date

    • Auto acceptance date

    • Checkout date

  • Event date attribute options:

    • Date

    • Expiration date

    • Timestamp

Limit hit type

Choose from three different point calculation methods.

  • Amount – the customer receives the points for each amount they reach within the tier

  • Hit limit – once the customer reaches the tier, they get the points one time

  • Percentage – within the tier limit, the customer gets the given percentage of the amount
    This option is not available for product combination campaigns.


See examples for each of these logic types in this document.


In the first two columns, you are able to set up the aggregated attribute’s ‘from’ and 'to' values.
Define the reward value that you would like to grant after upgrading in the tier system in the third column:

  • Points/increment – Appears when ‘Amount’ is set as the limit hit type.
    Enter here the number of points that you would like to award within the tier after each evaluation.

  • Points/level – Appears when ‘Hit limit’ is set as the limit hit type.
    Enter here the number of points that you would like to award. This only gets awarded one time.

  • Percentage – Appears when ‘Percentage’ is set as the limit hit type.
    Enter here the percentage you would like to award after the tier entering.


If you turn this option on, the ‘from’ and ‘to’ limits will be individually awarded to the tiers, instead of applying the aggregation once.


If you turn this option on, there is no upper limit on how many points the campaign can allocate (tier max is locked).
If this box is not checked and customers collect a higher amount than the highest level tier, they will be only rewarded with the maximum number.


  • Product
    Use the dropdown list to trigger the campaign on specific products purchased added under the Product catalog module. This setting is applicable only for Transaction-type campaigns.
    If you are creating up a product combination campaign, you can set the number of items to be purchased in the Quantity field.
    Click x to remove a product.

  • Filter
    Use filters to restrict the campaign to further event attribute values.

Points Economy

If your brand uses Multi-accounts, select here the account to which the points should be rewarded.

Activating a tiered campaign

After saving for the first time, the status of the tiered campaign is ‘inactive’. You can activate them right away using the ‘Set active’ button on the upper right-hand side of the setup page and confirm the activation in the dialog that subsequently appears.

Tiered campaign statistics

The Tiered campaign module’s Statistics tab shows Previews.

Previews have two distinct functions:

  • Previews reflect how many customers were affected in a campaign, divided into occurrences.

    • One preview represents one campaign occurrence.

  • Generating a preview updates pending points on the occurrences that have an ‘Active’ and ‘Grace period’ status.

You can initiate the preview creation by clicking the ‘Generate preview’ button in the upper right corner. Once completed, the preview status will change to ‘Finished’.

The summary table shows the following information:

  • Start date – the start date of the occurrence

  • Occurrence status

    • Completed – after the awarding happened (after the evaluation date)

    • Scheduled – before the occurrence’s start date

    • Active – currently running campaign, not yet in the grace period (between the occurrence’s start date and end date)

    • Grace period – between the occurrence’s end date and evaluation date

  • Pending points – the status of the points if the status is ‘Active’ or ‘Grace period’

  • Awarded points – the pending points move to the awarded points column if the status is ‘Completed’

  • Number of customers – indicates the number of customers who had received pending or awarded points

  • Evaluation date – the date when the points get awarded (the end date plus the grace period)

Managing tiered campaigns

Edit a campaign

  • Go to the Tiered Campaigns module page

  • Click on the campaign you want to edit

  • Edit your campaign

  • Save your changes by clicking ‘Update’

When editing the campaign, you can manage these additional settings:

  • Next campaign end date
    This date indicates the end date of the currently running occurrence: the start date plus the duration you’ve typed into the ‘Duration’ field.

  • Campaign end date
    This date shows the end of the campaign after all occurrences.

Deactivate a campaign

If you choose to pause the campaign, you can deactivate it anytime:

  • Go to the Tiered Campaigns module page

  • Click on the campaign you want to deactivate

  • Click on the ‘Set inactive’ button on the upper right-hand side of the page

  • Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears

Archive a campaign

You have the option to delete the inactive campaigns from the Backoffice by archiving them.

  • Go to the Tiered Campaigns module page

  • Click on the inactive campaign you want to archive

  • Click on the ‘Archive’ button on the upper right-hand side of the page

  • Confirm your choice in the dialog that appears

Archiving is irreversible. Once a tiered campaign structure is archived, it cannot be restored anymore.


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